View Full Version : Formula Help

2011-03-29, 04:53 PM
I'm having no luck with making formulas.

I have found virtually nothing in the documentation from Adesk, big suprise. Other than great advice like '+' sign : use for addition. Thanks.

For example, I'm trying to create a field in a schedule that will just multiply an Area (in the schedule) by 0.2. So I type "Area*.2" and the program returns the error message 'Inconsistent Units'.

Clearly I have no idea what I'm doing, Are there any resources or documents floating around that would describe the basics of how to set them up?


2011-03-29, 07:50 PM
Remove the inches mark from your formula.

If you post an abbreviated form of your project file we can take a look at it.

You can also use the "search" function on AUGI and find many posts on creating formulas and using schedules.

2011-03-29, 08:10 PM
Change the parameter type that you're calulating to an area. If you're multiplying AREA * NUMBER, the result has to be an area because the number ( .2 in your case) has no units. You can always change the formating of the parameter to not display the units. There are some basic formula descriptions in the help menu that should get you started.

2011-03-30, 04:10 AM
Change the parameter type that you're calulating to an area. If you're multiplying AREA * NUMBER, the result has to be an area because the number ( .2 in your case) has no units. You can always change the formating of the parameter to not display the units. There are some basic formula descriptions in the help menu that should get you started.

In the User Guide from Adesk, there is chapter 63, approx. 2.5 pages. Provides no real description of how to work with formulas, just simplistic things like '+' sign for add and '*' for multiplication. Is there another place to look in the documentation / help?

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-03-30, 07:49 AM
You are right. There aren't a lot of sources fo this information and a few more relevant examples from Autodesk would be helpful.
The 'inconsistent units' error is very common when first starting out with families. As Chris suggested AREA is measured in square units and the multiplier (.2) is simply a number. You have two ways to make those units consistent. If your calculated value is set to be a number type then you need to 'flatten' the squared units. If this is your approach the formula would be (Area/1) *.2. The 1 effectively divides the area by 1 square meter to make it a number.
If you set the calculated value to be an Area type the calculation should work.

Stick with it and try not to get frustrated. Once you get the hang of it it gets easier. In the interim, keep posting and we'll give you a hand.

2011-03-30, 06:42 PM
" (Area/1) *.2. The 1 effectively divides the area by 1 square meter to make it a number. "


Thank you Dimitri, that is exactly the sort of thing that seems to not be written down anywhere.
