View Full Version : Locking walls to other elements

2011-04-05, 01:32 PM
Revit 2011. When creating a wall a lock icon appears allowing you you lock the wall to another element eg. a floor. However, if you create the wall, move on, then come back and try to lock the wall - no lock icon. Likewise, if you unlock a previously locked wall and then try to lock it again - no lock icon. Does this mean you only have one chance to lock a wall - at the time of drawing it, or is there some option I've missed out on?

2011-04-05, 01:43 PM
Using the align comand allows you to lock also. Works well if you want to lock things to say gridlines or reference planes. This works for walls, floor sketch lines, roof sketch lines etc. That way if you pull a gridline over you don't have to go back and edit everything independently.
