View Full Version : Jack of all trades

2011-04-11, 03:37 PM
First time poster here, so my apologies if this is in the wrong category.

I'm trying to figure out exactly what my job title is so I can compare my skills to others for wage determination. I have 10yrs in the industry (5 in the field doing HVAC controls and 5 in the office). My office work started out as CAD drafting MEP only, but it has grown to redesigning systems for layout, approving equipment submittals, consulting with the engineers and architects on revisions, communicating with field guys, doing equipment and duct takeoff for bids, and using Metrix software for utility and energy analysis of our service contract customers. I'm probably forgetting something. Guess you can include I can size systems and run Block Load and HAP.

Anybody have an idea as to what to compare my duties to? I'm currently paid the average architectural drafter wage in my metro area as salary exempt.

2011-04-11, 06:36 PM
Hopefully a little more pay came your way with the addition of all those skills.

I'd have to call you an MEP Designer. Possibly a Lead MEP Designer..

2011-04-11, 08:27 PM
Last raise was 3 years ago. Pay stayed same when they changed me from hourly non-exempt to salary exempt 2 years ago. Work 40-45 hrs/wk. Just trying to figure out if I'm getting hosed.

2011-04-12, 03:15 PM
Basically, it looks like your being salary just gave them a few hours additional access to your services per week at no cost to them. Hopefully you're able to use some of the advantages of being salary like going to doctors appointments or leaving early on a slow day.

Pay wise, it's pretty tight right now to even think about asking for a raise. I would go so far as to call it career suicide, at least with your current company.

Test the waters a bit, it doesn't cost you anything but time to send out a few resumes and see if the fish are biting. There's all kinds of job hunting advisers that will tell you all kinds of advice on how to approach your employer and tell them you have an offer from another firm, blah, blah..

Usually, when I go looking, if the offer is better, I end up taking it. If your company values what you're doing for them, likes you, wants to keep you forever, they might try and counter offer. Take your time and weigh the offer, making lists, good and bad for both offers, talking it over with your wife/girlfriend/bartender and figuring out what's best for you.

True story, a place I was at last year (las Vegas), a buddy of mine sent me a lead and said "You can't turn it down unless you apply." so I did. They offered me the job in about 2 days time, talk about a fast train! Anyway, I looked at all the options, made my list and my current job at that time had them beat pretty good. I stress "at that time" in this story. I received the official offer on Friday morning and had actually typed up a no thank you letter and for the only time since I've been using email, I decided to keep it as a draft and not send it, figured I'd let it stew over the weekend. Fifteen minutes later (I kid you not) my boss walks in and calls an engineering meeting. He said we were being furloughed 1 day a week (20% pay cut basically) until we got this big job coming up. Two other teams were also hoping for the same job. I walked out of that meeting and changed the letter and accepted that job.

2011-04-12, 04:37 PM
Man, glad you lucked out there. Good to know the fates are still kind to some of us.

Here's part of the problem which I'm sure some can relate to. I've got two bosses that direct me but usually don't consult eachother when giving me tasks. Anyhow, one is the president (also my father), and the other is in charge of wages. Both are part owners equal share. I've just been trying to figure what titles to look at when checking the wage report from the dept. of labor for our area. When you start out as a drafter at a drafter's wage, and then add all those skills and responsibilities over 5 years with an increase of $2/hr... you kinda wonder if you're being taken advantage of. I can take off for doc appointments, but he expects me to make up time. Pretty sure he asked HR if he can dock my pay if I work less than 40. Still have to fill out a timecard.

So there's the dilemma between work and a family business (kind of). They know I won't leave, and I hate to think wage boss considers that as more of a leverage than advantage. It's blatantly obvious I'm being groomed, but at what point do you ask for more? I don't work just to practice.

Apologies for the venting, but would appreciate any advice.

2011-04-12, 08:55 PM
Yeah, I've since left that job as well though, doctors orders. Something about him not liking me being 1500 miles away from a hospital when he wants to run tests and such.. Came back home to Vancouver, WA and started the hunt again, got picked up by a temp agency and I'm not a contractor for CH2MHill on a monster project. Looks like I might be traveling with them soon too.

On the job side of things for you, sounds like you're pretty much screwed for any type of promotions. Any time you get a promotion it'll be an "Owner's Son" promotion if you know what I mean. It's definitely got to be tough working in the family business I'd think. When it comes down to it though, if you're being shorted to where you can feed the family or don't feel you're making what you're worth, maybe it's time to look elsewhere. There's family, and then there's family. The one you came from and the one you've made. If you choose the first one, good luck getting comfortable in the dog house at home. If you choose the second one, Christmas will be kind of touchy. I've pretty much chosen the 2nd one. All my family is on the East Coast. I haven't been home in at least 2.5 years. Phones help, not like being there though..