View Full Version : Need Help for Revit 2012 installation

2011-04-12, 10:17 PM
hey. hope anyone can provide solution for me. I try to install Revit 2012 in my Winxp sp3 workstation. But I got the Error 1303. The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory:C:\ProgramData. I know C:\ProgramData is for WinVista or Win7 not Winxp. Or if Anyone know how to install Revit 2012 without installing library. Please let me know. I guess C:\ProgramData is for storing family library stuff. If i can skip the part, i may install the library manually later.


2011-04-14, 01:44 PM
Do anyone have same problem in winxp sp3?


2011-04-14, 03:46 PM
I'm on Winxp SP3 and I deinitely have a C:\ProgramData folder with RAC2012 files in it. Forgive me for asking what might seem like a blatantly obvious question, but are you logged in as an Administrator on that machine? That's typically the problem when I see that error.

2011-04-15, 12:50 AM
Thanks brendand472306. I guess i may know what problem is. First. I login as adminstrators in my workstatation.

From your relpy, I kind of guessing there are two type of winxp. One is C:\ProgramData structure. Another one is C:\Documents and Settings structure. Under windows system point of view. They are doing the same function but have different folder name. And both folder can not exist at the same time. (point me if I am wrong. See you have C:\Documents and Setting or not. And if not, can generate one or not?). But seems Revit 2012 only take care C:\ProgramData people. Because revit force to install library into C:\ProgramData only. At the same time, winxp will not allow you to gerenate C:\ProgramData because C:\Documents and Settings already exist (remember C:\Documents and Settings=C:\Program Data in window system point of view). Also I know C:\Documents and Settings path is typical library location from Revit8 to Revit2011.

So, hope some people see the post, and report to Autodesk Tech about this issue. And revit not allow to change library location as well. Hope anyone can come up some solution for that. (I have try it in 3 different computers, unluckily all computers are in C:\Documents and Settings struction)

2011-04-15, 08:55 PM
Finally I found the way to create C:\ProgramData at my strict permission winxp workstation. It all needs to do under pure DOS mode or safe mode with command prompt.

Here is the process

Under pure DOS mode or safe mode with command prompte

cd C:\
mkdir C:\ProgramData

Then reboot and then C:\ProgramData will be create. After that, I success installing Revit 2012 now.
