View Full Version : perspective site overview

Max Lloyd
2005-01-07, 11:27 AM
This is the same site I have been working on for a little while now. I hadn't done a rendering for a while and thought it was about time. The site is in Kent, London, UK and consists of about 35 apartments, houses. This is phase 1 and I am currently working on phase 2 with one other colleague. Approx same number of units in phase 2.

Its been an interesting project as there is a good amount of variety to test out revit, most of which it has pleasantly overcome. The site plan has been probably the biggest challenge. We have set up all the buildings in their own files then linked in, created worksets consisting simply of external or internal (mainly for the purpose that when we bring them in to the site, we can switch off internals to speed up the otherwise painfully slow site plan). The co-ordinates are then shared back to the building files.

As we have now issued this for planning I am now starting to look at ways in which we can keep copies of the issued drawings as there will certainly be further work done on this site. I have decided to use dwf files, but am slightly concerned about not keeping actual rvt files as my experience tells me that I will need info from superseded drawings at some stage or another. Its a shame you can not bind linked files (as in autocad) for this purpose. The other options for storing 'old' files seems awfully protracted, ie: save as the site plan, then save as all the building files, unlink them to the 'current' site plan, making sure they are saved as 'central files' etc. Makes me nervous just thinking about it.

Anyway, thought i would include this rendering as I quite like it and it shows how a site can be well communicated as the angle is suficiently high to not worry about too much surrounding areas. It looks good when you zoom in close on it too. (this was not actually issued for planning)

I have also attached a dwf file of the site (which was issued) just for comment really.

Note: all those car parking spaces and not a car in sight! Whats wrong with me? Must get an aeroplane or something in there.....or perhaps a giraffe?