View Full Version : Revit 2012 Stability

2011-04-14, 06:03 PM
I just wanted to see if there is anyone who has just upgraded to Revit 2012 and NOT had it crash on them. Anyone?

The biggest issue I am having is doing anything in the materials window. Just about any kind of modifying of material appearances is crashing Revit. Wouldn't it be nice if Autodesk would stop releasing betas?

2011-04-14, 08:38 PM
You don't like being a beta tester? :)

Henry D
2011-04-14, 09:18 PM
Yeah, I'd like to hear if anyone else is also having problem with 2012 crashing. On first look 2012 looked pretty smooth so I was all set to continue my projects using 2012 but after a day of crashing I went back to 2011.

2011-04-14, 10:08 PM
FWIW, I just recently installed RAC 2012 on my laptop. I also have 2009, 2010 and 2011 versions installed. Today, RAC 2011 crashed (fatal error) on me while exiting out of the Material dialog box. I have never had a fatal error like that in any version of Revit before. It could be a coincidence, or I could chalk it up to the 150 MB of windows updates I was blessed with yesterday.

Jun Austria
2011-04-15, 12:21 AM
This crashes I also encounter in Revit 2012 and Showcase 2012. But in the 32 bit Windows 7. Not in 64 bit.

Henry D
2011-04-15, 11:39 AM
This crashes I also encounter in Revit 2012 and Showcase 2012. But in the 32 bit Windows 7. Not in 64 bit.

I have 64 bit Windows 7. In Revit 2011 I remember there was a choice to install either 64 or 32 bit Revit. The 2012 download has both the 32 and 64 bit versions together. Was there a choice at some point during the installation as to which version to install? How can I know that I have 64 bit Revit installed and not 32 bit Revit?


Never mind...I just found this in the Read Me file

"Whether your Windows operating system is the 32-bit or the 64-bit version, the version is automatically detected during installation. The appropriate version of Revit is installed. A 64-bit version of Revit cannot be installed on a 32-bit system and vice-versa. "

Paul Monsef
2011-04-15, 04:02 PM
I just wanted to see if there is anyone who has just upgraded to Revit 2012 and NOT had it crash on them. Anyone?

The biggest issue I am having is doing anything in the materials window. Just about any kind of modifying of material appearances is crashing Revit. Wouldn't it be nice if Autodesk would stop releasing betas?
It's "probably" more stable than the beta... but yes I've seen some crashing while editing materials.

2011-04-15, 07:43 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if Autodesk would stop releasing betas?

The way Autodesk thinks, that's a call for them to release alphas.:lol:

2011-04-18, 06:21 PM
I had hoped to move a 2011 project that is in DD to 2012, but it crashed 3 times in 2 hours. I downloaded the certified video driver, before starting. Click on Ambient shadows in shaded view, instant crash. Changing colors to materials would only show the change across half the wall. Changing from shaded view to hidden line and back would show proper material change.

I am running XP 32bit, and 2011 is very stable. I seriously can't remember it crashing, but maybe it has once or twice in the last 6 months.

2011-04-22, 03:30 PM
Seriously though, I really would like to know if there is a single user that has used Revit 2012 for a reasonable amount of time and not had it crash?

2011-04-22, 05:11 PM
We switched two projects to Revit 12 as soon as it was released and I haven't had a single crash thus far. My machine is below par for what Autodesk would recommend as well WinXP 32bit intel Core i5 CPU 2.67GHz 3gb ram.
They're not massive projects, but i did have some occasional crashes with them on R11, so the lack of craches is worth noting.

I have many beefs with Revit (beginning with their godawful text tools) but crashing isn't curently one of them.

Jun Austria
2011-04-22, 11:32 PM
Let me see, 2012 using for 7 days now, on 5 PC @ x64 Windows 7. Nope. No crashes. (finger crossed)

2011-04-23, 03:40 PM
My Revit 2012 is on two 64 but machines and Windows 7 Pro and everytime I go into the material appearance it crashes. I note this was an issue with 2011 but apparently they haven't fixed it yet. I tried running as administrator, same result, crash. I would like a simple fix without uninstalling Wacom drivers as was metioned in another post.

This Material thing is bugging me and keeps me tied to standard materials. Help!

Alan aka cadalot
2011-04-23, 07:59 PM
Crash when pressing the printer property button see http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=129447

2011-04-25, 10:01 PM
My Revit 2012 is pretty much dead in the water except for 2d drawing. Same crashes on Materials on a Brand new Windows 7 install, Supported Graphics card with a supported driver downloaded from Autodesk. If I wanted a 2d program, I would work in AutoCAD! I had the same crash problems with 2011, hence the brand new Windows 7 install to try and resolve the same issue. No Productivity = No job. It needs to be resolved quickly!!

2011-04-25, 10:30 PM
Installed 2012 this afternoon. Have been doing nothing BUT crashing since. It seems that every time I click on the Annotate tab, it crashes. 2010 and 2011 work perfectly. This is a bit frustrating.

2011-04-26, 01:03 AM
I've got a real simple windows 7-64 install and am having more crashes than 2011/10/09. Many more.

I also had the crash from the materials selection box.

And had a fatally corrupted file a week ago, our first one ever. Luckily we do backups on backups here.

So 2012 does seem a little troubled.

Here's to service pack 1.

2011-04-26, 02:13 AM
As it has been historically the case, this sounds like a video card/driver problem. Toggle hardware acceleration to see if the problem goes away. If you have dwgs, try removing them. Update your video card driver. And so on.

During testing this version has been stable for me and I really think it's coming down to the usual suspect: graphics.

2011-04-26, 03:54 PM
As it has been historically the case, this sounds like a video card/driver problem. Toggle hardware acceleration to see if the problem goes away. If you have dwgs, try removing them. Update your video card driver. And so on.

During testing this version has been stable for me and I really think it's coming down to the usual suspect: graphics.

That is very sound advice, and probably correct.

But does not subtract from the fact that 2011 was stable with this same rig, and is less so with 2012.

2011-04-26, 05:50 PM
I have updated my video drivers to no avail. I am still crashing when I select the Annotate tab.

That's just weird. I have a support request into AutoDESK.

2011-04-26, 07:34 PM
What is your graphics card? Even supported cards don't always work with hardware accelleration turned on. ON all production machines it is my policy to have hardware accelleration turned off. I have the Nvidia Quadro FX580 cards on all our machines(too bad for us, because although it is supported, its not "recommended".) It crashed in 2010,2011 and hasn't yet crashed in 2012. I only turn on HA to do a presentation graphic. I think it is an unfortunate thing to not beable to take complete advantage of the graphics tools. But you can certainly work in 3d without shadows, realistic etc. turned on.

2011-04-26, 08:03 PM
I just did a repair/re-install and all is well. No more crashes...at least not when I click on the Annotate tab. I assume there was an error of some sort when I did the original installation though I got no error messages.

2011-04-26, 09:13 PM
I just had another crash.

Windows warned me first that my machine was running low on memory. Right before Revit gave up and asked to save a recovery file. I only had Outlook running at the same time.

It's a small project, 40mb, and I've got windows 7/64 w/ 7 gb of ram.

Question: Do graphic card issues have any way to use up the memory space on my pc?

2011-04-26, 10:33 PM
A lot of work-arounds being thrown around.


I am beyond frustrated, the release of Revit 2012 in it's current unstable state is ridiculous.

Absolutely ridiculous.

2011-04-27, 08:46 PM
No problems so far with Revit Architecture 2012. Does not crash on Annotate or Materials. Hardware Graphics is not supported but turned "ON".

2011-04-27, 09:51 PM
Even supported cards don't always work with hardware accelleration turned on. ON all production machines it is my policy to have hardware accelleration turned off. I have the Nvidia Quadro FX580 cards on all our machines...

The ONLY video driver crashes I have seen on Windows 7 x64 were a Quadro FX3500 running certified drivers. I replaced it with a consumer-grade NVidia card and have never had a problem with it since. It was perfectly stable on XP for the preceding couple of years. I run 6 instances of Windows 7 (+ Virtual machines) so I have a reasonable sample.

At least Win7 doesn't BSOD when a graphics driver crashes it. It simply restarts the driver.

In my experience AutoCAD (and probably Revit too) is not good at checking inputs into its internal routines. Sending nulls (something that is actually nothing) to internal procedures routinely crashes the application. Yes, it's bad practice but so is unverified user action. Just ask the Sony Playstation accounts dept. As an end user there's nothing you can do about that but I'll bet a few dollars that's what it is. Do you get any error messages?

The other problem could be as simple as the version of Internet Explorer. It wouldn't be the first time they hard-coded as "works on my machine" dependency. Have you changed / removed anything on your windows installation? Can you find a spare hard disk and set up a bare-bones windows environment and crash that?

Good luck with AutoDesk support. I closed all my tickets and told them to GGF a long time ago. I get more fixes here than from them. ie. more than zero. Remind me again why I pay for a subscription?

Alan aka cadalot
2011-04-28, 05:35 AM
Remind me again why I pay for a subscription?

To get regular Buggy software.....

2011-06-06, 09:18 AM
So is the advice to wait until the first maintenance release?

Although Revit 2012 looks good, I can't see anything there worth the hassle of putting up with unstable software.

2011-06-06, 02:26 PM
Absolutely no issues here so far and I've been using Revit 2012 for almost a month now - Dell XPS machine with i7 processor, 12 GB RAM, Win7 x64, ATI HD5770 graphics (not supported by ADSK but running hardware acceleration and no issues so far).

I have installed 2012 on all our other production machines (all Dell Precisions with Xeon proc's, Win7 x64 and nVIDIA Quadro 580 graphics). ADSK has a certified driver for the 580, which I have installed on the other machines, and haven't heard of any issues from the others, either.

No problems with printing, with the materials window, ambient shadows, or anything. I'm loving it so far. I will say that I do NOT like the material appearance having to load for every material when I'm only concerned with the surface and cut hatch patterns.

Now watch, since I posted this, either mine will crash today or my boss will start using it and e-mail that his is crashing all the time. :roll:

2011-06-16, 03:47 PM
First day of using Revit 2012 and CRASH in the Materials editor. I had the same issues with Revit 2011 in my high school classroom. I actually changed my video cards out to a "certified" card.....but that did not solve the problem. My 2012 crash was on my laptop w/ATI Mobility FireGL V5725 card, 3 GIG RAM, 32 bit, XP, Core 2 duo T9400 2.5GHZ. Guess when I load Revit 2012 on my classroom computers, I will continue to get the crashes............

2011-06-16, 07:04 PM
I have not had trouble with 2012 yet, (other than the annoying network deploys).

I used to have trouble with RAC2011 locking-up, but I uninstalled stupid programs I didn't need, like: itunes and winamp..etc and RAC2011 has worked fine since.

Seemed like an issue between Windows 7, Winamp and Revit 2011, maybe that combination was just a 'perfect storm' for lock-ups..??? & I am only running 5GB of RAM.

Maybe uninstall programs you don't need? (grasping at straws)

I noticed the speech recognition tool in Windows 7 messes with Revit2011 ( if you are running the speech recognition tool, then you open Revit the splash screen is invisible)...hmmmm?

2011-06-17, 05:51 PM
I've had WinAmp running all day every day streaming music for pretty much the past 7 years, and been using Win7 since September 2009, and have not had any consistent crashes in Revit.

Now granted 2010 and 2011 did crash a few times (2011 much less than 2010 after I upgraded hardware). Actually I looked at my 2012 journals yesterday and I have had ONE crash in 2012 since I started using it over 6 weeks ago.

2011-06-27, 08:20 PM
Rivet 2012 crashes every time I change a material in the material editor. This is unusable.

2011-06-27, 08:46 PM
Rivet 2012 crashes every time I change a material in the material editor. This is unusable.

Can you go into more detail about what you're doing when it crashes? Are you selecting a material in the Materials window for a family element? Or are you just in Manage > Materials and editing material render properties?

2011-06-27, 08:59 PM
There is a known bug with the Material editor:

2011-06-28, 01:46 AM
Can you go into more detail about what you're doing when it crashes? Are you selecting a material in the Materials window for a family element? Or are you just in Manage > Materials and editing material render properties?

Sure. Open new project. Manage>Materials, Appearance tab, select any material, ok.

"Autodesk Revit has stopped working" close program.

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-06-28, 04:16 AM
Did you have a look at the link Dave posted?

2011-06-28, 07:31 PM
There is a known bug with the Material editor:

1. There are was no Windows Tablet PC input service running.
2. There was no way, tablet drivers service running.
3. Emptied the Windows temp folder. Program still crashes.
4. No ease of access center tools enabled.
5. Run as administrator. No longer crashes. However mousetool is no longer effective.

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-06-28, 07:34 PM
What is mouse tool?

2011-06-28, 07:41 PM
What is mouse tool?

Mousetool is a program that was made for people who suffer from RSI to help them reduce the number of manual mouse clicks and thus relieve their pain. When activated it automatically clicks the left mouse button whenever you stop moving the mouse. By anticipating the automatic click a user could "click and drag" or add a single manual click immediately after the automatic click for a "double-click". It has helped me tremendously.

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-06-28, 08:53 PM
Interesting. have you tried re-installing mousetool?
A number of these issues arise based on the order of installation. Was mousetool working for you before 2012 was installed?

2011-06-28, 10:01 PM
Interesting. have you tried re-installing mousetool?
A number of these issues arise based on the order of installation. Was mousetool working for you before 2012 was installed?

Mousetool still works except in Revit when I start 2012 as administrator.

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-06-28, 10:07 PM
What I meant was if you uninstall and then re-install mousetool now (after Revit 2012 got installed) it may fix the problem so you don't have to run in admin mode. This way you can have Revit and mousetool.
We wouldn't want you to suffer any pain just so you can use Revit:lol:

2011-06-30, 03:13 PM
I have been having problems with the material editor as well, but I don't get a crash. Everything in the material is just very slow., a 10-15 second delay for every command, including opening the material editor.
I do get a crash on trying to open legacy projects. I have several projects from 2007 (I am not sure which vesion of Revit that is) I can open the projects up and upgrade to RAC2011, but any time I try to upgrade to 2012 either from the original version, or from the 2011 version results in a "fatal error". I have applied the Upgrade 1 and still the same scenario on both cases.

2011-08-24, 04:40 PM
We upgraded to Revit 2012 a month ago. Our project file is about 400 MB. We linked in other files that amounts to 500+ MB with all workstations running 16 GB of memory. The new features of Revit 2012 is great, BUT it is of no use if Revit 2012 CRASHES about 2 to 3 or more times a day!!!

We have submitted every error messages/journal files under the rainbow to Autodesk Subscription Support. They are working on pinpointing an issue they can replicate with our file. The problem appears to be more than just our files or network. It happens to everyone on that project and another large (but fewer people) project.

We have tried every updates (video driver versions even approved by Revit). That did not work. We reinstall Revit with Update 1. That did not work. The crashes would occur randomly on the team at different times of the day. Sometimes, it crash so hard, it shut down completely with no warning messages even when the journal file recorded the last entry as asking to save a recovery file. Annotate, pan, zoom in and out, if Revit grays out, cross your fingers. The most prominent error message is irrecoverable and than fatal error. Windows 7 sp1 64 bit prompts that Revit 2012 is incompatbile in a coupl instances!!!

We suspect that Revit 2012 has issue with parent and dependent views. We suspect Revit 2012 has video/graphics issue. We suspect Revit 2012 has issue managing memory and larage files. We suspect Revit 2012 has issue related to the request/grant work sharing. We suspect Revit 2012 has issue remembering linked file pathing. Feel free to add.

We are sure that Revit 2012 is full of bugs. Upgrade at your own risk. Revit has been a great product up to this point. It is quite unfortunately. Our other projects that are still in Revit 2011 is working as usual.

2011-08-25, 08:42 AM
You comments are worrying. We have a town centre project that is currently at 180MB in the site file, and likely to grow. We were looking at moving to it to Revit 2012.

I hope Autodesk give you some urgent assistance to sort this out. Revit having no ablity to save back wards is a serious headache, and something Autodesk must fix!

Anyone else having problems with big files?

2011-10-07, 01:22 PM
..The new features of Revit 2012 is great, BUT it is of no use if Revit 2012 CRASHES about 2 to 3 or more times a day!!!
...We are sure that Revit 2012 is full of bugs. Upgrade at your own risk...


Have you now got your Revit 2012 problems sorted?

Please can you give us an update? We are yet to migrate our big project to Revit 2012.

2011-10-07, 06:03 PM
I was one of the posters who suffered quite a few odd crashes, and we were very stable on 2011.

But a funny thing happened - as it almost always does.

Revit has had 2 service packs. Windows has released who knows how many mysterious patches. Got a new video card, for unrelated reasons. And haven't had a crash in a long, long time. In fact the problem subsided within a month or two.

This is really symptomatic of how Windows PC's tend to work in general.

I'd be surprised if you will have any problems at this point. Or more likely, you'll have new and different problems depending on your luck and circumstances. Just pop in the 2012 and go for it - before 2013 comes out and the whole thing starts over.

2011-11-15, 04:17 PM
Every time I attempt to Modify any Material Settings Revit shuts down with a critical error without any option to save. I have tried editing materials through families and projects, both of which cause a critical error.

Even changing something as simple as "High Gloss" to "Satin Finish"... BOOM~ Critical Error. It's incredibly frustrating when I render a view that has a Wood finish and it shows up as if it is glazing when the sunlight hits it. Does anyone have any solutions to this issue that doesn't include re-installing Revit?

2011-11-17, 03:41 PM
Jeff, have you seen the Material Hotfix?

2011-11-17, 04:34 PM
You do clear your %temp% folder every so often right?

Mine had about 30 GB of **** in it the first time I checked it and easily accumulates 6GB of data in a day if I do rendering or heavy work in Revit.

To clear it, just enter %temp% in windows explorer address bar and delete everything you can. I've had no particular crashing issues in 2012 so far.

2011-11-17, 05:22 PM
Haven't had 2012 crash on me yet...(knock on wood)

I've had video card issues though where some dialog boxes would have info disappear, but that is it.

2011-12-13, 10:28 AM
I had this trouble with 2011 and spent ages listening to all sorts of garbage from Autodesk who eventually decided I should change my graphics card. When this did not I work I gave up and put up with the crashes, which eventually ceased. I reckon Autodesk were aware of bugs in this new release and didn't tell anyone and then fixed them in automatic updates. I don't load new releases now from Autodesk until a few months have elapsed so that they fix the bugs at some other poor soul's expense. For the money they are charging, Autodesk should be releasing a properly functioning product and not expect their customers to waste time test driving it for them. So I have only just loaded 2012 and it does not crash, but there are a few odd things going on which I don't like. Ho hum....

2011-12-22, 02:06 PM
We upgraded to Revit 2012 a month ago. Our project file is about 400 MB. We linked in other files that amounts to 500+ MB with all workstations running 16 GB of memory. The new features of Revit 2012 is great, BUT it is of no use if Revit 2012 CRASHES about 2 to 3 or more times a day!!!

We have submitted every error messages/journal files under the rainbow to Autodesk Subscription Support. They are working on pinpointing an issue they can replicate with our file. The problem appears to be more than just our files or network. It happens to everyone on that project and another large (but fewer people) project.

We have tried every updates (video driver versions even approved by Revit). That did not work. We reinstall Revit with Update 1. That did not work. The crashes would occur randomly on the team at different times of the day. Sometimes, it crash so hard, it shut down completely with no warning messages even when the journal file recorded the last entry as asking to save a recovery file. Annotate, pan, zoom in and out, if Revit grays out, cross your fingers. The most prominent error message is irrecoverable and than fatal error. Windows 7 sp1 64 bit prompts that Revit 2012 is incompatbile in a coupl instances!!!

We suspect that Revit 2012 has issue with parent and dependent views. We suspect Revit 2012 has video/graphics issue. We suspect Revit 2012 has issue managing memory and larage files. We suspect Revit 2012 has issue related to the request/grant work sharing. We suspect Revit 2012 has issue remembering linked file pathing. Feel free to add.

We are sure that Revit 2012 is full of bugs. Upgrade at your own risk. Revit has been a great product up to this point. It is quite unfortunately. Our other projects that are still in Revit 2011 is working as usual.

We are having the same issues on a large project. It worked fine in 2011. Support has not found a solution yet.

2011-12-23, 09:06 AM
Having run our project on Revit 2012 for a couple of months now our experience is that Revit 2012 is still noticeably more unstable than 2011... but usable on a project with files around 160MB.

I hope Autodesk support escalate your issues. With no ability to save back to the previous version they have to resolve these issues - and fast!

Unfortunately it seems they can be more interested in adding new features than delivering improved usability.

Happy Christmas

2012-01-25, 06:54 PM
This is pretty sad. I have returned to the forums to look for a reason why Revit 2011 is still crashing randomly when modifying Material Render Appearances.

I am completely fed up with redoing hours of work because of Autodesk's inability to fix bugs.

The fact that Revit 2011 is STILL crashing from this is absolutely ridiculous!

2012-01-27, 09:34 PM
As follow-up to my original posting on this thread:

I have updated Revit architecture with the latest update #2.

I just today opened Revit Architecture 2012 and opened a Revit 2011 project that we have run through our whole production process (which 2012 did a "Project Upgrade" on when it opened), and I was able to open a camera view. The very first time that I opened the materials window, edited a material appearance, and hit Ok on the materials dialog box- Revit crashed to the bug reporting window.

I am dumb-founded. Completely.

I am now thinking it must be my hardware- is there anyone with a system similar to my specs shown in my signature that has had this problem?

2012-01-27, 10:16 PM
Sounds like something deeper is going on for sure because your experience does not sound familiar at all.

2012-01-28, 03:35 PM
It's gotta be hardware or driver related. My bet is the graphics driver or card. We have found 2012 to be extremely stable.

2012-08-09, 07:42 PM

I was also having similar issues. Once I applied the patch, the materials library crashing was no longer a concern. HOWEVER, rendering has been... well... rendered useless! Every time I attempt to render, the machine crashes. It seems to me that I had just swapped one annoying issue for another VERY BIG issue. W-T-F Mate?!