View Full Version : Working with double break lines in section views

2011-04-21, 12:19 AM
When displaying a wall section on a sheet view, often it is desirable to shorten the total height. (add double break lines etc.) Can someone verify whether or not it's required to have multiple section views overlapping one another to create one overall sheet view such as the attached picture file shows? Problems I've run into are as follows: You cannot dimension between the views, (it would seem that detail lines and individual text boxes would have to be used for this?) And visibility settings won't allow you to hide certain view titles on the sheet (its all or nothing, unless you hide the individual viewport - which then disallows you from rolling the mouse over the view to activate later) Also having, lets say, 3 section views overlapping one another (each cropped differently for the various heights you want) seems hard to manage. Are the multiples hidden on referring plan views? Thanks.

2011-04-21, 12:02 PM
Just a guess, but they may have created and annotated the three cropped section views by duplicating the orginal section, and then exported them out as dwg. Then imported and placed the dwgs on a drafting view, and added the fudged dimensions by overwriting the dimension text.

You then end up with a single view for the three.

Design Apparatus
2011-04-21, 06:43 PM
I cannot speak to how to do a multi-section wall section (I have wondered the same thing).
I have figured out a way to create a custom viewport that displays no title.
1) Go to a sheet view where you have dropped in a view (i.e. a plan view or building section view).
2) Click on the viewport and Edit Type.
3) Duplicate your viewport (rename it...viewport-no title) and then during editing of it you can choose to not show title (that gets rid of the drawing title)

I used this to create keynote legends from a drafting view (I know, probably not the best way to do a keynote legend but I had so much troublew with it 2 years ago I gave up!) and was able to keep the drafting view titles turned off.
Hope this helps with one part of the problem.

2011-04-21, 07:13 PM
If I'm understanding you correctly, you don't need to make three Sections.
Just make one Section and Split it.
When you click on the Section outline, you'll see a "squiggly" mark (like a break line) on the outline.
Click on the squiggly and the section breaks into two. click on another one, and you've got three pieces. You can adjust each piece to display the right area, then move the entire pieces closer to each other. Dimensions still display the true distance.

2011-04-21, 07:49 PM
Once the section is split, I had been confused on how to move the various pieces around.. it seemed like they were locked together. I can't believe I didn't notice the little double-headed arrow in the middle of each split segment. That was the key.

Thanks again.

2011-04-22, 06:41 PM
Learn something new everyday!:)

I never have seen the blue double arrow that allows one to drag the pieces.
