View Full Version : Superelevation Runoff Station Error

2011-04-27, 11:03 AM
I had tried using the super elevation wizard function, but it did not give me the result that I am expecting.

As part of the input parameter, I had determine the % On Tangent For Tangent-Curve to be 66.67%. However, the super elevation band illustrated 33.33%.

Is this a bug? or am I the only one experiencing this?

Correct me if I am wrong, Super elevation wizard seemed to only take care of the super elevation runoff; the transition region seemed too short. Super elevation runoff and tangent run out seemed to spread within the super elevation runoff zone.

If Super elevation wizard only takes care of the super elevation runoff, is it possible to create a design criteria to allow C3d to consider the tangent runout too?

2011-04-28, 05:26 PM
Superelevation stations are calculated based on the selected design criteria file and attainment method. You can create custom criteria files to define how you want the transition regions to be calculated. Possibly one the of the default criteria files already has what you want.