View Full Version : Keyed Notes -not- Keynotes...

2011-04-28, 03:51 AM
How can I place Demolition Keys on my Demo plan and then schedule those keys with the Demolition note the key refers to?

I can not find how to do this, and every time I search for Keyed Notes I get information on Keynotes. Keynotes are cool, I understand them, but it isn't what I need to do.

Thanks to anyone for helping!

2011-04-28, 04:27 AM
Try a "note block". I think note blocks work great for demo plans where you would otherwise have long notes repeated all over the drawing. You will find them under the schedule button and will need an annotation symbol prepared for use. You can show all of the notes in each note block or get tricky and add a hidden column for sheet and filter the note block for each sheet to only show those notes on the sheet. You can add leaders to the annotation symbol after you place it if desired by selecting the tag and looking up on the ribbon for the "add leader" button.

To use the NCS terminology, what you are finding info on are called "reference keynotes". What you are looking for info on are called "sheet keynotes". Not that Revit, or any other software uses these terms.

It's all in the search terms...

2011-04-28, 04:41 AM
Here is a thread that gives a pretty good explanation of how to use noteblocks for what you want to do. I use noteblocks quite often for demo plans as well as equipment schedules.


2011-04-28, 12:49 PM
Well that is exciting! That is how I had done it. Gives me some confidence in my skillz... I did not think about having a hidden column for the sheet. Thank you, that solves the issue that made me think I could be doing it better!