View Full Version : Standardizing Shared Parameters file

2011-04-30, 08:22 AM
I'm trying to create a shared parameters file to use for all projects to force the consistency in all projects and especially families created from now on.

I was wondering any of you work that way. And I'll appreciate the tips on what parameters to include.


2011-05-04, 12:27 PM
We have one single shared parameter file for the entire office that includes all projects. Whenever a user needs to add a new shared parameter they are instructed to see the BIM manager first to ensure that the parameter doesn't already exist (most of the time it does) and the new parameters are created to office standards. It sounds like a lot of work to have a different shared parameter file for every project.

2011-05-05, 07:05 AM
I was checking industry standards (i.e for doors, windows etc.) to set some parameters.
But your method of building as needed under guidance makes more sense.

Thank you mysixstring.