View Full Version : Linked model will move horizontally, not vertically

2011-05-02, 07:09 PM
The team is under deadline stress. The linked structural model has been moved vertically (yes, it was pinned, yet, it was moved). Now that it has been detected, attempts to move it vertically back in place are not successful. Horizontal moves are accepted, but not vertical. Clearly this is a workplane constraint issue, but I can't locate what/where the constraint is. I unload/reload and that doesn't resolve. If I remove/re-link, the model comes in at the proper elevation, but that loses all the VG customization across all views - and View Templates show a new instance of the link as a subset that has it's own customization controls (not accepting the template overrides).

It's a hair-puller, and not in a good way. Any suggestions?

2011-05-02, 07:54 PM
Okay, I got this resolved thanks to the help/advice of Dan Stine, and thought I'd pass it on for anyone else who may come across this problem.

Dan advised me to uncheck 'constrain' and check 'disjoin' when attempting the vertical move. This prompted an error listing of items that would be impacted, most of which were annotations: spot elevations and dims. I simply 'OK' out of the dialogue, and the move was accomplished. (I also extracted the error report to distribute to the team so they can track those down and adjust/replace if needed.)

Great! Now, back to the deadline...

2011-05-02, 07:55 PM
when moving, is the constrant box checked and the disjoin box unchecked? if so uncheck the constrane box and check the disjoin box. you should then beable to move it where ever you want.

2011-05-02, 08:56 PM
"great minds...." thanks for your input, hadlari