View Full Version : Revit 2011 --> 2012 - Salvaging Plan Regions

2011-05-03, 02:07 PM
When we migrated from 2010 to 2011 last year we learned that all of our plan regions had been deleted by the upgrade process, and I've been told that the same thing happens when upgrading to 2012. Is there a way around this deletion?

If not, then is there a way to identify the ID #'s for all of the plan regions in the file before migrating, so that I can use a backup copy as a reference to place the regions in the 2012 file? I know that I can use the "IDs of Selection" tool, but I can't do a select all to find all of the regions quickly.


- Alex

2011-05-03, 03:59 PM
Not sure where you are getting your information...I've upgraded projects from 2010 to 2011 and just upgraded a project from 2011 to 2012 and haven't lost a plan region yet. I'm not suggesting it didn't happen to you but I've never heard of there being a documented problem with losing plan regions due to upgrades.

2011-05-03, 05:10 PM
I have experienced this personally, as have several others in our office on other projects, when upgrading from 2010 to 2011. There was an error report generated from the upgrading process that mentioned that the plan regions were deleted. I don't have 2012 yet so I can't verify that the new version will do the same, but it's possible that the error report lists the ID #'s like it does with other elements so I can just use that as a checklist for replacing the plan regions.


- Alex

2011-05-04, 04:43 PM
I have experienced this personally, as have several others in our office on other projects, when upgrading from 2010 to 2011. There was an error report generated from the upgrading process that mentioned that the plan regions were deleted. I don't have 2012 yet so I can't verify that the new version will do the same, but it's possible that the error report lists the ID #'s like it does with other elements so I can just use that as a checklist for replacing the plan regions.


- Alex

you should always do a "test" upgrade and check the file thourghly before proceeding.
Review warnings and compare to the previous version to make sure they match. Better yet fix all your warnings before upgrading and any that are there after are new.

We spend about 4 hours in the test project to try and locate any issues before we upgrade the "Real" project with the caveat of telling users what may not upgade correctly.

2011-05-04, 05:48 PM
Thanks, but I don't this helps resolve my specific problem. We audit before upgrading and always "test" the process to see what may come of it, and the only thing that has consistently been a problem has been the deletion of our plan regions. Unless there is a way to use plan regions incorrectly, then I don't think the problem is on our end.

Again, multiple teams have experienced this issue over the past two upgrades.

It looks like I will just have to recreate the plan regions manually which will be a pain, but I should be able to capture the ID #'s from the error report and use an archived file that I'll open in 2011 that will enable me to search by ID # so that I can get everything back to the way it was.

- Alex

2011-05-04, 05:53 PM
We have had various errors during the upgrade process, but not plan regions. Probably because we dont use them much.

Did you file a support request with ADESK? We had a couple of realy upgrade issues back a few versions ago (6-7 or 6-8 I don't remember) and they actually upgraded the file for us and were able to get around the errors. Also there could be some bug with the Regions that causes upgrade issues.

Edit: See attached image, just tried myself and it worked fine. Mabye the issue is resolved? Maybe there is something else going on.

2011-05-04, 07:49 PM
Ideate makes a product that easily does exactly what you're wanting: Ideate Explorer.

I was able to explore my project and select all plan regions in seconds, see attached.


2011-05-04, 07:54 PM
That's awesome. Thanks!

Maybe there's something in our template or deployment files that cause this issue for us and not others.

Thanks for all the advice.

- Alex

2011-05-25, 06:00 PM
We just had to upgrade a project from 2009 to 2011 and we also had the same errors with plan regions. I don't have anything to offer for a way around it, but just wanted you to know you're not the only one who has seen this.