View Full Version : Acad architecture on Mac using Parallels
2011-05-06, 02:22 AM
Has any one run autocad architecture 2011 on a Mac, using Parallels?
The program shut down on me needing a second licence for the Virtual Machine.
Is there a way around this obstacle?
2011-05-06, 09:04 PM
I ran into something similar with C3D 2010 under VM Fusion on a home system so that I could learn the software.
I had initially installed under Bootcamp then moved over to the VM and it wanted to register a second time (I am using a standalone version).
I've not had the issue crop up again and have stayed in the VM.
I assume that this happens as it sees a slightly different hardware profile (more RAM, another core, etc).
2011-05-13, 04:41 AM
Thanks spoke to tech support at Parallels and they had me make sure that the physical address of the Vitural Machine and the Bootcamp Machine share the same MAC address.
That's done, but they were not sure if the physical address or the IP address needed to be the same.
At the moment I am not wishing to encounter the same licence problem again as I had to wipe the drive clean and do the whole windows reinstall just to get ACA reloaded.
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