View Full Version : Missing Elevation Tags

2005-01-10, 11:17 AM

My elevations tags don't seem to be anywhere on any views.... I have checked that they are switched on in view properties and removed crop regions to see if they are miles away and moved the mouse around where they could be to see if they hidden in that view (hide annotation in view)... :banghead:

Is there any way of forcing them to appear? (Like 'Show camera' option for 3d views).

It seems as though I may have deleted the default 'site' view where they tend to originate from perhaps this means they are gone forever? :cry:

I need to modify the view distances of an elevation so a wall doesn't show... and its looking like I might have to recreate the elevation, so any tips or advice appreciated...

Cheers, Elrond

2005-01-10, 11:26 AM
And having created another view to check it now - I notice that if I open view properties (in the problematic elevation) there are no 'Far Clip Active' or 'Far Clip Offset' options..... Whats happened? :eek: :?:

2005-01-10, 12:52 PM
Check the active phase in your view.
Visibility of elevation tag is depending of them

2005-01-10, 01:19 PM
Thanks but all views on Phase 1 and all set to Show All (phases)...

2005-01-10, 09:31 PM
Try this :- In the problem elevation view, right click and pick " find referring view" - go to that view and apply the standard "architectural plan" view template to it.