View Full Version : Custom Panels.... need help??

2011-05-09, 04:22 PM
Hi I'm new on this forum and hopefully someone may be able to help me with this.

I'm using Revit Architecture 2011, and I'm trying to make custom panels. I started trying to use API Bitmap to panel plug-in but just couldn't get to grips with it.

I am now trying to build the custom panels (like the render on the start-up screen for Revit 2011). I had no trouble making the panel but now trying to test it on a curtain wall in a project file and I keep coming up with the same error message. The only tutorial I can find is in German (I think) but I followed what he was doing but still not getting the desired results :cry:

If anyone can please help, I would be much appreciated, I'm a 3rd year Venue Design student and I have my degree show coming up in a month and I need to get this sorted for my final exterior renders. :banghead:

Or if anyone knows any tutorials for API Bitmap to panel plug-in, I would again be very grateful.

I have been through the pages on buildz.blogspot and followed
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RpexFR8p4E as a tutorial

I have attached a couple of images, one is the error window, and the others are the type of effect I wish to achieve.

Cheers Hel :)

2011-05-09, 04:32 PM
I've never used the API Bitmap deal.....But take a look at how the Metal-Expanded Metal 01 is created....it uses a Cutout...

So you can create your own "Cutout" in photoshop (or similar) make it black and white...and apply it to the material your trying to create. Adjust the scale of the cutout as necessary until you have the correct size/visibility that your looking for.

2011-05-10, 09:16 AM
Thank you :)

I shall be giving that a go today

Cheers Hel