View Full Version : I wish Revit backup files used different extensions

2011-05-13, 04:06 PM
The default setting of adding a .0001 sufix to the file name without changing the .RVT file extension is very frustrating. I wish that the file extension would change to .RVB or such for backups. Or at least allow this as an option.

The extra RVT files makes the folders containing family files very cluttered, as all the backups appear in the list when opening or inserting content. To reduce the clutter, backups are frequently deleted. This is counter to the purpose of a backup.

I don't like to say this, but I think AutoCAD did it right with the .BAK files. If the change in extension was combined with the "keep 3 backup files" option that revit uses, that would be the ideal situation.

2011-05-25, 03:12 AM
Couldn't agree more.
Another example of "user-unfriendly"

2011-05-27, 12:54 PM
Simply search for this wildcard, then delete the results.


Works for most cases.

2011-05-27, 02:33 PM
Simply search for this wildcard, then delete the results.


Works for most cases.

I could accomplish the same by setting "Number of Backups" = 0 under the save-as properties. The point is that deleting backups defeats the point of having backups.