View Full Version : text that won't print

Bryan Thatcher
2011-05-20, 04:43 PM
I have a need for text in a view that won't print. What are my options? Thanks.

2011-05-20, 05:02 PM
You have none. There is no such thing. If you want internal notes then create a working view to put them on. You could also create a Generic Annotation family for project notes and you can turn them off globally right before you print.

Bryan Thatcher
2011-05-20, 06:13 PM
where there is a will there is a way...

2011-05-20, 06:17 PM
Hey. I think you're on to something there!
Maybe you should tell these guys:

2011-05-20, 06:33 PM
We've used reference planes for text too.... ;)

Too bad reference planes are invisible if they are in a detail component....but if you get really creative you can create groups of reference plane letters.... ;)