View Full Version : Revit 2012 freezes at splash- "WSCommCntr3" process

Rosie the Reviter
2011-05-23, 04:57 PM
Revit (Arch) 2012 was working fine for weeks until today when it froze at the splash screen.

I followed the directions on how to fix the issue here: http://revitclinic.typepad.com/my_weblog/2011/05/revit-2012-hangs-at-splash-screen-or-crashes-with-unrecoverable-error.html

"1. WSCommCntr3.exe Process" seemed to be the issue and Revit opened as soon as I end that process in Task Manager. However, I'm having to close the process EVERY time I re-open Revit 2012.

Is anybody else having this issue? Anyone know of a more permanent fix?

Thanks in advance!