View Full Version : Embedded wall?

2005-01-11, 08:12 AM
I tried to embed a 4" thk brick wall on a 6" Thk wall.
I did cut geometry to show the 4" wall on 6" wall. Now when i insert a door in that wall i.e: 4" wall i get a 6" wall in front of the door ,the door is not visible.its seen in all the views.. cud u please tell me why does this happen.?

2005-01-11, 11:47 AM
Got the same results. Anyone with a solution for Aliya? Cuts properly where the walls adjoin each other, but not if completely embedded.

Aliya - found it. Simply modify the profile of the 6" wall at the door that's embedded.
See second image.

2005-01-11, 03:02 PM
Sorry guys, this appears to be a bug.

Here is a better workaround until it gets fixed:

- Instead of placing the door directly on the embedded wall, place it first on the border so it cuts both walls.
- Now click the door and use the "Pick Main Host" command from the options bar and select the embedded wall as the main host.
- Finally move the door to its intended place on the embedded wall.