View Full Version : Transfer a revit model to another

2005-01-11, 03:03 PM
Does anyone know of a easy way to copy an entire 3d model from Revit (Floors, Walls, Doors, Structural, etc...) to another Revit model. copy and paste does not seem to work it keeps dropping sketch lines, and dumping the file.

for example a Revit model to a Revit template. The reason we did it this way was to get a good template created for a project. We did not have a good starting point, and did not want to enable worksets in the template. so to give us a model in the template we just linked in the Revit model and had two teams working on both at the same time.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

2005-01-11, 03:29 PM
If you have a project and want to turn it into a template the easiest way to do this is Save as. You can save a RVT as an RTE file and vice versa.

2005-01-11, 03:45 PM
I don't need to turn a Revit model into a template that is easy. I have both a 3d model and a template already made. what I need it to get it from one to the other without to much damage to the 3d.

Thanks anyway for the response

Scott D Davis
2005-01-11, 04:12 PM
did you try Transfer Project Standards from the template into the 3D model?

2005-01-11, 04:19 PM
Yes I did scott, but that does not bring in any of the annotation, schedules, and especially the sheets that were already set up in the template.

Scott D Davis
2005-01-11, 04:31 PM
Schedules can be cut-n-paste between projects. It will bring across only the format of the schedule...the data in the schedule will be from the project it resides in. We are beginning to make a 'template' for schedules, where all of ours are in one project. Simply open the "schedules.rvt" and copy and paste the ones you need.

This is another reason I would like to have the ability to open only the project browser from another project...then you could drag stuff from one project browser to another project.

2005-01-11, 04:37 PM
So if you save your model as a template and then transfer project standards from your other template into this one, you would have everything you need in one file, is this correct?

2005-01-11, 04:38 PM
yea we are starting the same thing with schedules, and the drag and drop aspect from one Revit to another would be a welcome addition for project roll out.

but back on the topic, if you were in the same situation, the template, with all the sheets to complete a set of Cd's 70 percent complete, and a 3d model at also 70 percent. you would start the template over! in the 3d model. Why cant you copy and paste the 3d model into the template if all the levels were the same. I can copy and paste it in if I select the place in current view, but then it doesn't show up on all the other sheets.

man is this frustrating

2005-01-11, 05:26 PM
OK here is what I did.
I first had to make sure the levels were exactly the same from project to template. I then went into the project (3d view to make sure all is selected) and copied out the information to the clipboard. after that I went into the template, and used the past aligned, and select levels by name, and selected the level that was on 0,0. wazaa it worked. it did have an issue with the curtain wall mullion, but it came in at about 95 percent complete.

Thanks everyone for the info and pointing me into the right direction.