View Full Version : 2D/3D Grids and levels: do ya like 'em?

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-11, 04:11 PM
At a conceptual level, do you think the new 2D/3D grids and levels are a good idea? I know people have suggested the extents in each view be 2D by default... which is a good idea.

I feel that they are an unneeded feature, but I wanted to see where the rest of you are at. Who knows: maybe the users will wish for a feature to be removed from Revit.

2005-01-11, 05:00 PM
I added on poll option Wes because it's not fair to lump both levels and grids together in this...(my opinion and vote)

Martin P
2005-01-11, 05:00 PM
Isnt it just a case of you dont use grids or lots of levels at the conceptual stage? If you dont use massing why not use separate files with just 1 level in each. When you come to draw up properly with all the different levels just export each file to DWG and place in the required level of your model for tracing over....... Its not really something I have though of doing until this very moment!!

Personally I dont mind working with levels etc at any stage and couldnt really imagine working without them in Revit being better, but I may be wrong...

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-11, 05:19 PM
Shouldn't scope boxes have this feature moot to begin with? That's the point I'm trying to make here. I don't see the need for this feature. True, it's nice to adjust grid extents globally (I guess) but I'm not sure if that's worth it.

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-11, 05:21 PM
It's interesting to see the split on the poll. I'd like to see some posts from people who really like this new feature and why. And how you think it saves you time!

2005-01-11, 05:23 PM
...Shouldn't scope boxes have this feature moot to begin with?...Not necessarily. Their rectangle only nature means some situations are not easy to "scope" (as a verb).

2005-01-11, 05:29 PM
I can't vote because while understand and like the idea, in practice they are a pain in the ____

I think the idea is sound that you can set up your level extents and propagate those to other views(but why not just add the propegate feature, instead of having to toggle between 2d and 3d., I'm having an awful time geting them to snap together, some are 2d some are 3d and its basically a nightmare at this point.

2005-01-11, 05:57 PM
And... the only way to find out if a level or grid line is 2d or 3d is to click on it. Even then the little 2d symbol is often hard to find and sometimes doesn't appear at all. So you think "I'll change it in the properties" Except it isn't in the properties. What a time sponge!

2005-01-11, 05:58 PM
One of those features I could take or leave.

What I really need is something to deal with all those elevation and section symbols. Being able to to hide below a certain scale is a start, but how about a range of scales? Show between 1/4" and 1" for instance.

What I think would be really slick is for the different system family types to show under section and elevation symbols. I have roof details sections, wall sections, building sections, interior elevations, exterior elevations. etc... This does a great job of cleaning up the browser, but it would be great if I could go to a roof plan, uncheck all section types but roof details and be done with it....

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-11, 06:15 PM
Not necessarily. Their rectangle only nature means some situations are not easy to "scope" (as a verb).Yes -- this new feature could potentially help in those situations. The reality is that we'll find a time when we'll be saved by this feature... it just would be nice to globally enable or disable them (make them strictly 2D if desired).

2005-01-11, 06:15 PM
Oh ya - it seems to have really slowed down moving a level line endpoint. That part I don't like.

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-11, 06:17 PM
Steve made a point to separate the grids from the levels in terms of how this feature works. I agree that it's nice in plan to be able to propagate grid extents to other levels... but it would be nice for this to still be a 2D effect... having to worry about the 3D extents of grids in plan is still more trouble than it's worth IMO.

Paul Monsef
2005-01-12, 12:29 AM
It's interesting to see the split on the poll. I'd like to see some posts from people who really like this new feature and why. And how you think it saves you time!
love 'em!! :)

Grids that i don't need to show above level 3, i simply adjust below level 3!! flipin' magic!!

2005-01-12, 12:52 AM
I don't even understand what the heck they are for! 2d/3d! One more annoying little thing.
Let's really improve the program and not some little thing for maybr two people on the planet! Improve the site tools!

2005-01-12, 01:01 AM
some little thing for maybr two people on the planet!
a bit of an exageration there. right now those who like at least part of this feature outnumber those who dislike it (barely). It was put in as a response to several complaints about having to drag levels in every view. If it made it easier or not is up for debate, but it was a requested feature, and obviously there are people who like it.

Personally, I like the concept. I don't think it's quite there yet, and I haven't had too much time to play with it...

Martin P
2005-01-12, 11:00 AM
hmmm.... I think I may have missed the fact that they have changed at all? I didnt realise there was any new function to grids or levels, will have to investigate them.

Gadget Man
2005-01-12, 11:44 AM
Oh ya - it seems to have really slowed down moving a level line endpoint. That part I don't like.

I solve this problem by quickly un-checking Level head (on the desired side), then only the "stretch" control is visible, drag it as needed and re-check heads.

And it is a pain in the back side to try to choose the right control when they are one on top of the other, even using TAB (and they even don't magnify when you zoom on them - pity!)

Also on that topic: why some of my elevation crop boxes have normal control dots and break points and some have only double sided triangle controls and no break symbols?
Mind you, those with triangles are much harder to control (the little controls don't update their positions and stay behind in the old spot until view refresh!)

Frankly, the number of limitations, bugs, work-arounds and things you HAVE TO DO to produce some decent drawings the way YOU WANT THEM, makes this program so cumbersome, that I steadily continue to loose my initial drive and determination to learn. During the seminar we were promised, that using this program, we will instantly start producing drawings much faster than using AutoCAD - well, I still have to see that (almost a year after). Of course, in REVIT you have things done for you almost automatically, but most of the features I will never use! And those which I use constantly, still have to be done the way to make the use of the others possible. Too complex!
Well, after spending so much money on the software and time on conversion of my whole system, I really have no choice but to plow along and hope for the best, but this bitter after-taste remains...


2005-01-13, 12:26 AM
Also on that topic: why some of my elevation crop boxes have normal control dots and break points and some have only double sided triangle controls and no break symbols?
Mind you, those with triangles are much harder to control (the little controls don't update their positions and stay behind in the old spot until view refresh!)Jerry

I agree - what are these - only in some views as well.

I greatly dislike these 3d levels. They are only levels yet the 3d Levels are way too cumbersome. 2D levels are all that is needed IMO. Grip a dot and stretch. Done, finito. It takes all of 1 second to do. Why the need for 3D levels I have no idea!!!

Exar Kun
2005-01-13, 12:56 AM
I'm having a big problem changing some of my grids from 3D to 2D too - I simply can't find the little "3D" or "2D" written anywhere?? I don't want to have to redraw every grid line over again...

2005-01-13, 01:39 AM
Try these :-

Right Click and Reset 3D extents. or
If Worksets enabled, make the grid workset active.
And, if that doesn't work :-

Are the views duplicates, or callouts ?

I'm having a big problem changing some of my grids from 3D to 2D too - I simply can't find the little "3D" or "2D" written anywhere?? I don't want to have to redraw every grid line over again...

Exar Kun
2005-01-13, 02:38 AM
Thanks, beegee.

The Reset to 3D Extents thing did the trick. Now just need to go and make everything 2D!


2005-01-13, 04:06 PM
love 'em!! :)

Grids that i don't need to show above level 3, i simply adjust below level 3!! flipin' magic!!

It is clear that there are plenty of folks on both sides of the fence. And as the quote above shows, there are very good reasons to have them. But for those of us stuck doing big, single story distribution centers, there is no real reason to use them, and plenty of reasons to despise them (one for every click of the mouse). It sure would be nice to have a global on/off switch. ...and not to be pushy, but SOONER would be much better than later ;)

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-13, 08:41 PM
On larger, complicated projects with a gazillion number of views, I worry about the reliability of being able to edit the extents in those views... and it does make things slower. Arggh

Paul Monsef
2005-01-13, 09:15 PM
It is clear that there are plenty of folks on both sides of the fence. And as the quote above shows, there are very good reasons to have them. But for those of us stuck doing big, single story distribution centers, there is no real reason to use them, and plenty of reasons to despise them (one for every click of the mouse). It sure would be nice to have a global on/off switch. ...and not to be pushy, but SOONER would be much better than later ;)
But even on 2d plan representations isn't it nice to have all the grid bubbles align on all your sheets without really trying to do so? :)

I guess an ON/OFF feature would be OK... But that would be like buying ADT and using it as vanilla autocad... :mrgreen:

2005-03-14, 12:01 PM
WOW, Now that I read this post and experimented I agree with Paul...It is quite nice and not too complicated to manipulate...

Martin P
2005-03-14, 12:27 PM
I think there could have been a much simpler soution to this for those of us working on projects that arent multi storey - If grids were allowed to switched off in the visibilty settings by their type, simple...

2005-03-14, 01:08 PM
But which is the problem exactly? As long as Grid remains 3D, if the grid is missing in a 25th story, just go to elevation or section and move the grid above the highest floor, and now all your floors will have the grid visible. If a grid is made to 2d and is not present in one floor, go to elevation, or section, reset to 3d extents and adjust, now it will be present in that floor.
I am not saying that the ability of making a grid individually be turned on or off through visibility settings is wrong, just that would bring other issues like, which grid is on which sub category type....
but as it is currently, it isn't too complicated once the idea is grasped.....I hated the feature until this morning while I was playing, it seems like it is simple now...

Wes Macaulay
2005-03-14, 07:16 PM
I tell people that 3D mode for grids and levels is to be used for associating the datums to the volume of the project... so that grids and levels relate to where the building really is on the site.

I guess in previous versions of Revit this was happening automatically to a degree: they've just made it more controllable now.

Still don't know if I like it yet.

2005-03-14, 08:08 PM
just go to elevation or section and move the grid above the highest floor, and now all your floors will have the grid visible

It will only work if your grids are perpendicular to the views. See this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=15078)

If you know of another way, please let us know!