View Full Version : IFC Export/Import

2011-06-15, 08:29 PM
I work with a variety of different software programs (Staad, Tekla Structures, Intergraph SmartPlant, AutoCAD, MicroStation, etc.). I am always trying to increase my knowledge of BIM and interoperability. I understand that Revit allows for IFC. I do not have access to Revit. Would there be a kind soul out there that would be willing to share an export from Revit. I am looking for anything you can provide: walls, doors, windows, foundations (in general concrete), etc. Any feedback/help would be greatly appreciated.


(FYI - it doesn't even have to be a cohesive structure, but random objects if someone is afraid to let a real structure go.)

2011-08-01, 01:46 PM
I guess with no follow up postings that no one is willing to share. Come on, can a brother get some love?

Mike Sealander
2011-08-01, 05:12 PM
Send me your email address by message and I'll get you something.

2011-08-02, 10:00 PM
There have been many requests made in this forum for sample files. They usually have ended in disappointment, like yours apparently has.

Most Registered Architects are reluctant to share paid work, especially in a public forum like this one. Imagine if I sent you an IFC file of my current project, a Federal Courthouse. I would probably be canned, or worse.

Then there's that non-discolsure agreement I signed........

2011-08-26, 06:03 PM
I think that might be the case Mike J. It is a shame as I have been very helpful over the years when I can. I am not asking for a developed structure. Just some miscellaneous shapes.

2011-09-23, 12:57 AM
Did you have any luck?? I am experimenting with IFC at the moment and would like to hear about your experiences.

2011-09-23, 02:40 PM
We often have structural engineers working with Tekla. We take their IFC file and bring it into Revit. Overall it looks good, but...in my last project, there were columns rotated, a wall that came in too long and the wrong angle, and a shaft opening that didn't cut through the floor. It is hard to tell if there were any more errors or not, which is dangerous...
In the end we still decided it was the best way, just did some coordination with structural to make sure it looked as accurate as possible (did some changes manually in Revit)

2011-09-27, 05:51 PM
No, I haven't had any luck. I have been using AutoCAD for 25 years. I have been part of AUGI for 14 of those years. This is the first time I have been met with such apathy and general lack of assistance. Perhaps I am just asking for too much. Granted, I did like it about 10 years ago when the support questions were emailed. Now, you have to actively go look up threads to see if you can help.

clog boy
2011-09-28, 08:32 AM
No, I haven't had any luck. I have been using AutoCAD for 25 years. I have been part of AUGI for 14 of those years. This is the first time I have been met with such apathy and general lack of assistance. Perhaps I am just asking for too much. Granted, I did like it about 10 years ago when the support questions were emailed. Now, you have to actively go look up threads to see if you can help.

I am willing to bet that this topic would've gotten more attention in the appropriate subforum and with proper interpunction (there was no questionmark in the first post?)
See two can play the drama queen here ;) now if you can give me your email address I can send you something from our own testing folder. It checks out OK in Solibri Model Viewer.

As you were.

2011-10-25, 02:35 AM
I'm a Revit MEP user struggling with the vageries of importing an ArchiCAD IFC file & finding searching for information on this forum is next to impossible. The AUGI search tool consistently finds 'no results' for IFC, yet google of 'AUGI+IFC' finds many results.

That rant over, if you're still looking I'm happy to export you something if you DM your email. Although given the likely sixe, via dropbox would be better.


p.s. Interpunction? WedThursFri? It must be a word because Clog Boy just used it in a sentance.

2011-10-25, 11:39 AM
So, when using the IFC format, I guess we just have to accept the fact (for now) that there is going to be wrong and/or lost information in the import?