View Full Version : Can Phasing be constrained to a particular Option Set?

2011-06-20, 04:42 PM
I'm working on a bunch of different options for an office renovation, and I'd like to group the options by the demolition that would be required.

My hope was to create four or five different Option Sets, each based on a different demolition plan. I would then create the various office configuration options within each set.

However, it doesn't look like the Phasing filter and Design Options are aware of each other's existence. Will I need to create a new file for each demolition plan, or is there some other work-around?


2011-06-20, 04:56 PM
I'm guessing you want to show different amounts of demo from the existing building in each design option? You could keep it in one file, but you would have to duplicate the existing parts you want demo'd in each design option.

So the parts that are existing to remain could stay in the main model. The parts that get demo'd in all options would have to be on the existing phase in each different option (however many options you have).

This is why I hate design options. It's almost easier to just start with one model, demo what you need and do one layout, and then Save As. Then go back to the original model, demo other things and do a different layout, then do another Save As, and so forth. Then when one version is selected as the one to go with, archive all the other versions.

2011-06-20, 05:38 PM
I'm guessing you want to show different amounts of demo from the existing building in each design option?

Yes. In different cases the same wall(s) might be partially demolished, completely demolished, OR they might not be demolished at all.

You could keep it in one file, but you would have to duplicate the existing parts you want demo'd in each design option.

So the parts that are existing to remain could stay in the main model. The parts that get demo'd in all options would have to be on the existing phase in each different option (however many options you have).

So you can create a new phase for each Option Set? It didn't seem like this was possible/feasible when I was playing around with it -- or rather, it seems like the new phases wouldn't really "link" to the design option they were created to accomodate

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that if (for example) my "Previous + New" phase filter is selected in design Option 1, and I switch to design Option 2, the "Previous + New" phase filter will remain active unless I manually select another phase filter.

With that in mind, it seems like the solution would be to create two new phases for each design option: an Existing Phase, and a Demo Phase. Each Existing Phase will need to have copies of existing walls (pasted aligned) that are to be demolished for its corresponding design option. Then I guess it would be best to create a duplicate floor plan for each design option, each with the correct phasing in place??

Am I correct? :confused:

2011-06-20, 06:04 PM
Pretty much, but you don't need a Demo phase. Existing walls will get demolished on the New Construction phase, regardless of what design option you're in. But like you said, you'll need to have copies of each existing wall that gets demolished within each design option.

If you create all your existing walls, you can then select them all and go to Manage and you'll see a button to Add to Set. That will bring up all your design options, and you can add all your selected existing walls to every design option in one operation.

Then you can go about setting up a plan view for each design option, and demolishing existing walls and placing new walls for each design option in each view.

Okay so maybe it wouldn't be that difficult to do it with design options. :)