View Full Version : quickly entering in schedule info

2011-06-23, 02:20 PM
I am working on a preliminary room finish schedule for a very large building and am looking for a quick way to fill it out. Is there a way to fill out multiple lines on a schedule with the same information without having to enter it in on each line?

Thanks in advance!

2011-06-23, 04:04 PM
I am working on a preliminary room finish schedule for a very large building and am looking for a quick way to fill it out. Is there a way to fill out multiple lines on a schedule with the same information without having to enter it in on each line?

Thanks in advance!

Select all the rooms with the same finish, and enter that finish once in the properties palette. I thought you could copy/paste finishes in the schedule by hitting the down arrow key, but that is not the case. You have to actually click on each field to be able to Ctrl-V paste into it.

Seems like this used to be possible, then it was broken, then it was fixed, and now it's broken again. Not sure, though. Maybe it was never possible.

2011-06-23, 05:03 PM
Thanks patricks!

Are you talking about choosing multiple rooms on a floor plan and then entering in the finish in the properties?

We are hoping to isolate types of rooms in schedules and enter the same finishes there. I wish there were a less tedious way of entering in this information into a schedule where you can control areas of very large projects.

2011-06-23, 05:08 PM
The methods I listed will be the quickest way. Either select multiple rooms on a floor plan and enter the finish info in the properties palette, or type in the finish in one field of a schedule and copy/paste.

If you were just entering a single character or number in a field, you can use the arrow keys to quickly go down the column. But unfortunately for pasting using Ctrl-V you have to actually click on each field and then hit Ctrl-V.

2011-06-23, 06:09 PM
Sorry for my ignorance, but by "single character or number in a field" do you mean only one selection for that parameter and by "arrow keys" do you mean the arrow that appears to the right of the cell when you click on it or arrows on your keyboard?


2011-06-23, 06:57 PM
I mean if you only have one or two letters or numbers to enter into each field, you could type the characters with your left hand and hit the down arrow on the keyboard to go down to the next room in the schedule with your right hand, and do it that way quickly. But if you have more than that, i.e. "CPT" or "CARPET" or whatever, it would be better to just copy/paste into each room, or select all the rooms with carpet in a floor plan and enter it once into the properties palette.

2011-06-23, 07:26 PM
Other methods are:

1. Use a key schedule, then fill in only the key schedule field on the room finish schedule. For instance if all your offices have the same finishes you could define an office key for offices. The all you need to fill in is the key style field, and the fields included in the key schedule will populate automatically. Same thing for each type of room whith the same finishes. This does not work well for variations. For instance, for walls where you would have an accent color or different material in one of the room's walls.

2. If there are finishes that are pretty much prevalent over the project. You could do a schedule, group by the finish column in question, uncheck the 'itemize every instance' box, and you will get a schedule which is kind of a catalogue of values for a field with several records grouped in each line. When you have a schedule like this, when you change any values, the change applies to all the records goruped in each line. then you can edit the few rooms that are different one by one if you don't have a way to sort them out.

Usially you have to work with combinations of different methods. Hope that helps.

2011-06-23, 07:50 PM
Thanks so much patricks and sifuentes!

2011-06-24, 01:12 PM
We use the second method listed above and uncheck "itemize every instance," but typically set up separate "working schedules" to do this. Sort, group, and itemize these working schedules the way you need them to input data quickly or view certain data. But don't use them for documentation as they're typically very messy.