View Full Version : Dynamic Block "field" text moved

2011-06-29, 09:55 PM
I have a simple Dynamic Block with an attribute which I edit to include a sheet number 'field' from Sheet Set Manager. This has worked fine for some time, but recently that field entry moves from the original text location for no apparent reason. For example, the block attribute says "Match Line - See Sht. 9", the "9" is the 'field' and it moves a significant distance below the rest of the text. When I remove the field and just type in '9' it works fine, but that defeats the purpose of Sheet Set Manager coordinating my drawings. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

2011-07-20, 09:03 PM
I'm going to add to this one since I think my problem is along the same lines. I've got a block that has an attribute in it that is moving from where I put it also. I built the block with the attribute in the center of a circle. But when I put that block in a drawing, the attribute is way off to the right and up. When I go in the block editor and put it back in the center of the circle it shows up fine. But if I open the block editor again, it is way off to the right and up again. What gives?

2011-07-21, 12:38 PM
Hi, Tim-

It sounds like you need to synchronize your attributes. You can do it by either using the ATTSYNC command or the BATTMAN command. (I’m working with AutoCAD LT 2011 so I don’t have access to sheet set manager in order to help comoth. Hopefully someone else will jump in.)

2011-07-29, 03:26 PM
Sorry, I cannot help, but I would like to add to the conversation. I have a related problem in that I have an attribute that cannot be added to an Action/Parameter.

I have a level datum that consists of a circle with cross-hairs, a line that dynamically stretches, and two attributes for the user to input the name of the level, and the elevation. I want to apply a Flip Action to the line and the attributes, but cannot add them to the selection set: "2 unlocked AttDefs filtered from selection".

2011-08-01, 12:40 PM
You need to lock your attributes in order to include them in the flip action.

If you’re goal is to allow users to move the attributes around independent of the block then you can add a point parameter and move action to each attribute. Just be sure to include each attribute’s chained point parameter in the flip action selection set and not the attribute itself.

2011-08-01, 04:48 PM
Ahhh....for some reason i could not get the locked position for the attribute to flip, but it did work today. However, the attribute is text and when flipped it no longer remains readable (unless you have a mirror), so flipping does not work so well. I have been able to set it up so that the attributes can be moved (if desired) once the block is placed and/or has been flipped.

I thought that text stayed orientated to remain readable when it was mirrored, but that is not happening on my version of ACAD LT 2011. Is that a system variable? Thanks for the tips.

2011-08-02, 12:14 PM
Yes, it's a system variable. You want MIRRTEXT = 0.

2011-08-18, 04:27 PM
sandrews -
I tried the ATTSYNC command and it made no difference. I'm still getting fields that move on insertion and I can't find the answer to this one. Also, if I go into the block editor and put the fields back where they should be, save and exit the block editor and then run ATTSYNC, they move back to some random location. Any other ideas?

2011-08-18, 07:54 PM
I had the same problem, solved it by recreating the attributes within the block editor and after that using attsync. In first the block was made by the block command. After altering it in the block editor and making (the same) new attributes the problem was gone.

2011-08-19, 01:00 PM
sandrews -
I tried the ATTSYNC command and it made no difference. I'm still getting fields that move on insertion and I can't find the answer to this one. Also, if I go into the block editor and put the fields back where they should be, save and exit the block editor and then run ATTSYNC, they move back to some random location. Any other ideas?

Ah, fields! That’s a different kettle of fish. If ghmeijerman’s advice doesn’t help, try posting an example of the problem you’re having and we’ll take a look.

2011-08-19, 10:54 PM
Well, in the end I ended up just recreating the entire block from scratch. It seems to be fine now. I have no idea what the problem was, hopefully it doesn't come back.

2011-08-22, 09:48 PM
I also discovered this problem when I upgraded to AutoCAD 2012. I did a quick test and I found that it worked fine in previous versions but not in 2012. My workaround to this problem was to add a fixed constraint to the attribute which worked. I reported the problem to Autodesk as well.

Manuel A. Ayala

2011-09-06, 09:07 PM
Sometimes bad things happen to good blocks and you have to drop back and recreate

2011-11-03, 11:43 PM

2017-11-03, 01:15 AM
Sometimes bad things happen to good blocks and you have to drop back and recreate

I know this is a super old thread but I think we ran into the same issue and have found the solution, not what causes the problem though.

We have title blocks with multi line text for title, project etc. On some drawings the fields were moved off to the side. We opened the block and found that although all the settings were still the same for the text the insertion point or base point of the objects for some reason has moved from being aligned on the centre grip to being aligned on the left hand side grip. Solution was to open block editor move the centre grip to where the left grip was sitting save changes and close then run the 'attsync' command. Then it was all back to normal. Bizzare issue and now sure why it occured but a relatively quick fix.