View Full Version : Override line color also override weight and style
Nic M.
2005-01-12, 02:01 PM
If I only override the color of a line in the visibility/graphic dialog and the other parameters remained by category, they do change in solid, weight 1 lines.
Is this the intended behavior ?
I have 2 plans of the same level.
plan 1 has different lines in different colors and thickness
plan 2 also need these lines in light grey but I would like to keep the different patterns and thickness.
Seems like I have to check which pattern was assigned to which line style and set it back in the visibility/graphic override dlg if I change the by category color.
definitely a wish
2005-01-13, 12:13 AM
I'm not able to replicate that behaviour.
I can over-ride colour, weight and style view specifically or just colour, for example, with weight and style remaining By Category. Or any other combination.
Nic M.
2005-01-13, 07:42 AM
Beegee, thanks for the assist
I have attached my findings
My initial linetype is a fat blue dashed line
In another view I override this linetype with colour black
The pattern changes to solid and the thickness changes to 1
The default Wide linetype overridden to colour red changes the thickness to 1
If I start from a Thin line and override this to colour , thickness or pattern it changes correct
2005-01-13, 07:47 AM
Firstly, so we are on the same page, what Version and Build are you using ?
Nic M.
2005-01-13, 10:24 AM
Build 20041213_2030 Rel7.0
If you start from a solid, black, 1 unit thick line (Thin Line) you can override everything
if you start from a dashed, colour more than 1 unit thick line if override 1 parameter the other change to solid, black, 1 unit thick line
are you not experiencing this?
2005-01-14, 12:25 AM
Yes, following that process, I see the same result.
That's a bug, Mr M.
Build 20041213_2030 Rel7.0
If you start from a solid, black, 1 unit thick line (Thin Line) you can override everything
if you start from a dashed, colour more than 1 unit thick line if override 1 parameter the other change to solid, black, 1 unit thick line
are you not experiencing this?
2005-01-14, 01:22 AM
That is/was a bug in the latest version of 6.1 as well. I found that out just last week when I was trying to change just the color of the lines and ended up loosing all the line weights and styles.
Actually what I was trying to do was adjust the color of the halftone and found out by searching the archives that is is not possible to adjust the halftone color. arrgh!
Nic M.
2005-01-14, 06:55 AM
Thanks for the confirmation Mr. G
allways nice to be part of the bugbuster team
I ain't afraid of no bug!
2007-01-17, 09:20 AM
I find that I still have this problem with Revit 9.1 If I override only the colour, the lineweight changes to 1. Is this stil a bug?
2007-08-08, 06:30 PM
still happening in 2008 as well... I'm turning it in case no one else did or it needs another vote.
2007-08-08, 07:13 PM
It's funny that it happens in the object styles menu, or using the Override Graphics in View "By Category" option. The "By Element" option seems work fine.
2008-07-22, 02:49 AM
Still happening in 2009 ??? What a PITA.
Factory, why does this bug carry over from version to version?. It makes my plans look like ****.
I want to override color only not line weight.
How do you all handle this, any good work arounds? suggestions....
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