View Full Version : Wall/roof attach problem

2011-07-02, 01:47 PM
Once again Eric Wing and his Revit book are the bane of my existence. I am trying to attach the wall to the roof it is extending through. I keep getting the error message about the join issue, but when I hit the un-join button and then try the operation again I get the same error message. I have copied the wall and roof alone off to the side and performed the operation and it works just fine. I am baffled. I am including the relevant parts of the Revit model, as well, so maybe, someone will take a look at it and see if there is something I am not getting. Being so new to Revit I really have no idea if there is a setting somewhere I need to change or what.

Thank you

2011-07-03, 09:03 AM
Maybe nobody replied because the solution was so easy you wanted me to just spend a little more time investigating. I will write my solution just incase somebody else needs a clue bus. :mrgreen:

Via Occam's razor, I knew the higher wall the corridor was ending at had something to do with what was causing my problem because that was the element that disappeared when I copy-pasted the section off to the side. I deleted that part and redrew it...nothing. I deleted the added "Edit Profile" above the 2-hr partition...nothing. I looked that the north corner because I was not having the problem on that side. Ah! Something with the Wall Joins settings. I went back tot eh south side and began "next"ing through the possible corner configurations (msg warned there was something like 500+ possible configurations). When I got to teh first Mitered and clean join option I tried the attach again...Viola!

I have no clue what was going on. Lesson learned for next time when I get an error that uses the word "join" in it, the first thing I am going to do is start looking at wall joins.


Mike Sealander
2011-07-03, 03:03 PM
Hi Thomas:
You will often find that a wall join at a corner extends a wall in plan past the vertex of the two joined walls, and therefore past the vertex of the two roofs above. In other words, the wall join operation extended the subject wall further in plan than the footprint of the roof above it. Making the walls join in a clean miter will often resolve this issue.
Rule of thumb: A wall is best able to join a roof when that roof's footprint completely covers the wall in plan.
It being Independence Day weekend in the United States, less people than usual are haunting this forum.

2012-02-03, 03:28 AM
How about this one? Any ideas? The right side of the wall joins just fine to the roof, but the left side does not. The wall is not symetrical about the roof ridge. it is about 18" shorter on the left side. Any thoughts on how to make this work?

Mike Sealander
2012-02-03, 03:52 PM
This is a case where a wall's vertical height at the blue dot point becomes less than zero when the wall is attached to a roof above. In other words, you may have a wall whose horizontal dimension is 20 feet when it is unattached, but is only 19 feet when it is attached. A lot of times Revit doesn't like that. One thing you can do is edit the wall's profile and lock the diagonal lines of the profile to the roof plane, instead of using the Attach function.

2012-02-03, 03:56 PM
YOu need to split the wall in the center, then it will attache toboth sides.

2012-02-03, 07:11 PM
Thanks to you both. I didn't quite follow the modification of the wall profile method, but I split the wall and it worked like a charm. Thanks again.

2012-03-02, 12:07 PM
How about this one? Any ideas? The right side of the wall joins just fine to the roof, but the left side does not. The wall is not symetrical about the roof ridge. it is about 18" shorter on the left side. Any thoughts on how to make this work?

I, experiencing this same issue. How do I go about it?