View Full Version : Placing views in sheet...I'm stuck! Pls Help

2005-01-12, 07:08 PM
Ok, Happy Hump day everyone.

I've been droping views into sheets, and moving them from sheet to sheet with no problem, until now. I got stuck here with a few views that don't seem to want to drop onto my sheet. All views are editable, as are the sheets that they are both coming from. Wait let me try something... Ok, as I was writing this I thought I had a bright Idea of removing it from one sheet and then re-insterting into the new one, low and behold I cannot even remove this view from the sheet... could it be locked? Hmm, I just checked and I can move it around no problem. Other views on this same sheet can be removed no problem.

What am I missing?


2005-01-12, 07:26 PM
Try this:
Browse your Project Browser, and expand out the list of views on the sheet that you want to move views off of by clicking on the '+' next to the Sheet name. Open up the Sheet that you want to move the view to, and then click on the view you want to move's name within the Project Browser *under the Sheet name it's currently on, not from the main list above*, and drag it onto the current sheet. This *should* move said view from that sheet to the one that you have open, and give it to you for placement. I move views from one sheet to another this time all the time...

2005-01-12, 07:37 PM

I hear you on that and have been using your project browser method, however, this time the formidable view remains where she sits. Again, others move without hesitation (actually the computer thinks for a second or two to calc everything, but it inevitably does as I say). the 'stuck' view, shall we say is... umm... stuck?!

2005-01-12, 08:35 PM
Whoa. sorry. Guess it's a bigger problem.

Maybe delete the whole sheet, focing the view back into the 'wild'?

2005-01-12, 09:11 PM

Deleting someones home inevitably sends them out into the pasture, and without hesitation they are willing to find a new home. In other words. It worked. Thanks.

However, I still have some views that currently live in the 'wild' and cannot be broken to find haven in a sheet. Maybe we'll save those for another day...

Thanks again. Hope you're drying out over there on the west side.