View Full Version : Default Drafting Units

2011-07-14, 06:18 PM
Hi All,

I was wondering if there was a way to change the default drafting units in Revit. I'm not talking project units. I'm talking about how Revit automatically goes to feet instead of inches when drafting. You know when I type in just "2 + ENTER" for a distance and it inputs 2 feet instead of 2 inches like AutoCAD. Any thoughts?



2011-07-14, 06:29 PM
If your units are set to feet and inches, type 0 2 and enter (0 ft 2 ins)
If your units are set to inches, type 2 and enter (just like AC)

To set units, type the shortcut UN and select from the drop downs. If you are working alone (NOT worksharing), when you save the units will save with the file. When you reopen you will be in inches.

If you are worksharing, everyone who reloads after you have saved will have their units switched. No damage is done, but it does confuse team members. Always switch back to project standard units before saving.

Incidentally, if you type 0 0 2 you will extend into the z axis :lol: