View Full Version : show demo of new dorner on existing roof

2011-07-14, 07:12 PM
how do you cut a dormer into an existing roof and have the hole show up as demo'd? i have to show the client a view of there house as is/what is going away/what is new. i've cut the dormer using the vertical opening tool and now there is a big whole in the existing view.

2011-07-14, 08:23 PM
Try modeling the roof as two elements - the portion to remain as a 'donut' around the portion to be demo'd. (phase created for both would be Existing. (hmmm, maybe make the to-be-removed portion a noticeable offset from the boundary of the to-remain portion - a slight overlap - for the Phase Filter to be more apparent...).

Demo the inset portion in a NC view. The phase filter should then dash in the demo'd element, making it apparent in your documents.