View Full Version : 2010 Display Model Element in Drafting View

2011-07-15, 01:00 PM
Is there any way to have a model element display in a darafting view?
For instance we are drawing a detailed wall section in a drafting view & want to show a pendant light fixture that was modeled, but dont want to re-draw it in the drafting view, or export it to CAD & re-insert it as a CAD file in the drafting view, so is there any way to show something like this in a drafting view?
I hope that made sense.


cliff collins
2011-07-15, 01:55 PM
Nope--you cannot show model elements in drafting views.

A better way would be to cut the wall section in the model, go to the section view,
have the other model elments displaying in context ( such as the light fixture )
and then use Detail Components to refine the Wall Section.

Drafting views are limited to 2D only--try to use the model as much as possible and don't fall into a "drafting
approach" as you will not be gaining the benefits of Revit's BIM capability.


Mike Sealander
2011-07-16, 12:23 AM
There is a very gray boundary line between the model and drafted views that needs to be discerned and respected. When do you stop modeling and start drafting? What does it mean to represent a light fixture? Why do you need to faithfully represent a light fixture in a drafted view when a "representation" will do? Remember, drawings are meant to show how to build something, not to be a virtual reality of the real. The caveat comes when you want to render with photorealism, but that's not the purpose of construction documents.
In answer to your query, I would show the light fixture as a circle, or a rectangle, and just point to it and say "Light Fixture B".