View Full Version : Keyboard shortcuts

2003-10-13, 10:34 PM
Can one use shift or ctrl or alt in the keyboard shortcuts file?

I seem to be having trouble with this. I have configured to spare mouse buttons to F2 and F3 and now I want to get as many uses out of these buttons as possible so ideally I should be able to use shift etc to give an alternate keystroke and hence get up to 6 easy shortcuts.

Any thoughts?

2003-10-14, 08:41 AM
Hi peter this is taken straight from the short cuts txt file

shortcutkey(s) is a quoted key sequence
; any alphanumeric key may be used for a key sequence
; action_type:action_string is the action to take.
; available actions are:
; menu:"menu_string", where menu_string is a delimited path to the
; menu item to click
; Example:
; "M" menu:"edit-move"

So the answer is no to shift ctrl or alt.

2003-10-14, 10:29 AM
I though that might be the answer