View Full Version : E-Specs & Detail Components

2011-07-18, 07:23 PM
Is anybody connecting E-specs to detail components? Any advise or thoughts before I decide to move beyond families/assemblies?

2011-07-19, 04:16 AM
Not using E-Specs in a production environment, but I've tested it out, and generally I like it. Now if only it would WRITE my specs, in addition to compiling the to-be-edited draft!

Detail components do have an OmniClass field that can be mapped to sections in E-Specs. I think the challenge is going to be making sure the detail components get the right assignment. Consider cold-rolled steel framing dcs - there's a plan, section and elevation family for the same thing - they'd all have to be sure to get the same OmniClass setting. Applying to families is manageable because you can generate a schedule and QC them in a project file, but I can't schedule dcs. It'd be painful verification process, I'm afraid.

Keep us posted on if you go for it, and your outcome, will ya?

2011-10-11, 08:44 PM
Hello Nancy and Brian,

Wanted to clarify a couple items and offer a recorded presentation to anyone interested in learning more about the e-SPECS keynoting application for Revit.

e-SPECS actually reads the Uniformat Assembly Code/Desc and provides an extended list for Revit users to categorize with. Uniformat is the main link with the other parameters helping to further specify the element as desired (such as OmniClass parameters). We also read the OmniClass, Keynote (MasterFormat), model, description, manufacturer, and other parameters to help create your spec manual and through the keynote management application deliver a project specific list of keynotes (and annotations) to coordinate, validate and assign to the BIM model families and materials - even to linked models. Be sure to use the e-SPECS Revit Plug-in Console which does the validation of existing keynotes and assignment of new keynotes and annotations.

We've made a major leap forward since you tested this, Nancy. We invite you to take another look at the improvements. Hope you are doing well in your new adventure!


2011-10-12, 03:38 PM
I have evaluated e-spec along with other programs that link between the model and specs and I find the idea that the e-spec generates the keynotes rather than the spec being built FROM the keynotes is backwards. Every detail component out of the box is assigned a keynote that is in the master keynote file. When our office makes new detail components, we try and assign keynotes to these items when we create them. A good example is the variety of masonry ties. If I am developing a section, I may grab a detail component of a specific type of masonry reinforcing. I would love for the E-spec to pick up on the type of reinforcing that I am calling for based on the keynote assigned to that DC. Another example: I may add a detail component for a cast-in Halfen anchor into the slab edge, for an adjustable ledge angle. It is easier to assign the DC with a keynote than it is to map this item through an OmniClass.

2011-10-13, 03:07 PM
Hello mthurnauer,

Not being a Revit guru, I asked and got this response from our e-SPECS Keynoting development manager:

Actually e-SPECS can add use the keynote attached to DC to include the item in the spec or it can assign the keynote to the DC matching the language that the spec uses to identify it. The same thing can be done with an omni class number as well. If your making new DC components then it would be better to assign it a keynote generated from the language in the spec rather than a text file of notes that may have no relation to the office master language. Remember that e-SPECS either generates from the model or update the model it’s a two way process, but building keynotes from the specs makes a lot more sense to me then guessing at which keynote is the correct one for a DC.

IN addition to not being a Revit guru, my PI skills are weak at best! It looks like you may have looked at the e-SPECS keynoting back in 2008 with others at Glaserworks that we have some history notes on. I would definitely invite you to see the latest e-SPECS Keynoting Presentations given typically monthly - register on our web site or email info@e-SPECS.com to request a copy.

The latest release of the keynoting application was driven in large part by a couple of key customers and a keynoting project we worked directly with a customer for a couple of large hospital projects. Due to the parallel work that often happens during CD, the validation of the model keynotes compared to the specifcations ensuring the coordinated construction docs is reason enough to use the e-SPECS keynote (in addition to the automation of the specs by the keynote and other parameters).

Hope that helps, Seamus

2011-11-01, 09:14 PM