View Full Version : 2010 curtain system horizontal mullion issue

2011-07-22, 11:12 PM
I am so frustrated w/ this. k, see the attached image, we have a cuved curtain wall w/ sloped top, so i did curtain system per face. but when i added horizontal mullions in, they are all sloped instead of parallel to ground. what is my solution?

I also googled, found some thing about "instead of devide surface by uv grid, you can intersect surface w/ line, customized grid, reference line..." I could not find where that"intersect incon is. Is that something new for Revit 2012 cause the post I was reading is for 2012.

Thank you


Exar Kun
2011-07-24, 03:14 AM
In the mass family, select the surface that you've divided - note that you can choose to display the U or V grids on the ribbon. Next to those (which would be highlighted blue) is an "Intersects" button. With this you can pick intersecting lines, levels, grids or reference planes to define your grid lines. Best thing would be to use reference planes to define where you would like your horizontal grids and then pick them. Then you can hide the relevant grid that doesn't apply anymore.

2011-07-25, 03:57 PM
Hi Exar Kun,
thanks for your response. I could not see intersect at all. Are you sure 2010 has this function? see my screen capture... thanks

Exar Kun
2011-07-26, 04:32 AM
Ah, sorry. When I saw you weren't on 2012 I assumed you were on 2011 instead. It was a new feature for 2011 so I'm not sure what the best path for you to take is, sorry (apart from upgrading to at least 2011 - it's soooo much better than 2010!!).

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-07-26, 05:26 AM
See the attached images.
Revit will apply a mesh to a surface created via direct manipulation. The number of divisions will be equal for each of the edges of that face. The result is the tapered panel shape.
If the form is sculpted or carved using a combination of solids and voids Revit will use the edges of the original form and create the system parallel to those edges.
Try recreating your form using a void to create the sloped roof surface.

2011-07-29, 01:24 AM
See the attached images.
Revit will apply a mesh to a surface created via direct manipulation. The number of divisions will be equal for each of the edges of that face. The result is the tapered panel shape.
If the form is sculpted or carved using a combination of solids and voids Revit will use the edges of the original form and create the system parallel to those edges.
Try recreating your form using a void to create the sloped roof surface.

Thanks a lot Dimitri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!