View Full Version : Named views and in place reference editing

2005-01-13, 04:38 PM
I have inserted named views into my drawing from the sheet set manager. When I try to edit the view through refedit, some of the layers are frozen. It looks like layer 0 is always frozen. I tried updating the layers from the named view dialog box of the referenced file, and then inserting the named view again. I'm confused as to which layers will display frozen and why. Can some one please explain? I have visretain set to 1 so changes carry through.



2005-01-14, 06:56 AM
When you save a named view in the model drawing, you can opt to save the current layer state. If you don't want to, don't select that option.

2005-01-18, 01:53 PM
I have unchecked the 'store current layer settings with view' box which solves part of my problem. What I want to know is: when my view is inserted, new xref layers are created using the xref's drawing name as a predecesor to each layer. So my layer A-dim has now become X-RefName|A-dim. This is good. But all the other layers in my drawing (the layers I carefully set up in my template) are now frozen in the viewports. What I want to do is to refedit a view, using my layers and then save back changes. (All the tests I have done and testimonies I have read here in the forums suggest this way will create fewer errors in associative dimensioning-as opposed to xopen). When I refedit my view, I have to unfreeze the layers I want before I can use them. I know how to create layers and set them so that they are frozen in new viewports, but I did not do this. I'm not sure why or for what purpose the layers are being frozen.




2005-01-19, 03:03 PM
My post may be confusing, so let me leave out the unnecessary ramble. My problem is: when I create sheet views (using the s.s.m.) all the layers in my drawing get frozen (except for the x-ref layers) in the view.

I don't understand how this is happening and I find it a real nuisance.

Can someone tell me how to change this behaviour?

