View Full Version : Aligning Surface Patterns

2011-08-03, 08:45 PM
I am not able to align/move/rotate the surface pattern for any model component the way it is possible for walls, floors, etc. I am specifically dealing with Architectual Column family where I need to adjust the suface pattern to mach the walls, and a few Generic Model families that represent brick moldings. I have confirmed the pattern being used in all these cases is a Model pattern, not a Drafting pattern.

In all of the above cases, when I Tab-select the surface pattern and align/move/rotate, instead of just the patterning moving, the entire component moves.

What am I missing here? Has anybody else ran into similar issue?


2011-08-03, 11:16 PM
Yes, I've run into this...the whole family wants to move. What puzzles me about your image is that the two pieces should line up vertically at least. When I've had situations like this, and I just tested it to confirm it, the patterns line up vertically. Makes me wonder if there is an offset or constraint issue with either your wall or your family that is making them not line up vertically.

2011-08-03, 11:24 PM
Have you tried to re-align the pattern when editing the family itself?

2011-08-04, 02:59 PM
Have you tried to re-align the pattern when editing the family itself?

The family has a material parameter. So the surface pattern shows up only in the project when you select a specific material for the family, in this case, brick.

cliff collins
2011-08-04, 03:12 PM
I suspect it is something with the Family--the extrusions or sweeps or whatever it was built from.

Would it be possible to use Host Walls instead of a wall-based family? It would be easier to align the pattern
if everything were Host Walls.

( I can't tell from the image how complex the form is for the Family ).


2011-08-04, 03:22 PM
I suspect it is something with the Family--the extrusions or sweeps or whatever it was built from.

Would it be possible to use Host Walls instead of a wall-based family? It would be easier to align the pattern
if everything were Host Walls.

( I can't tell from the image how complex the form is for the Family ).


My question is very broad, the above specific family is only to illustrate an example. As mentioned in my original questions - I have ran into this with everything other than walls/floor/ceilings. Even if I figure out a workaround for the above example, the bigger questions of how to align suface patterns in custom families still needs to be answered.

cliff collins
2011-08-04, 03:26 PM
OK-- understood. Thought you were only solving an individual problem.

Try applying the SAME EXACT material that is in the Project in the Family, if you haven't already done so.

Then reload into the Project and try aligning the Model Pattern.

Any luck?

2011-08-04, 03:39 PM
OK-- understood. Thought you were only solving an individual problem.

Try applying the SAME EXACT material that is in the Project in the Family, if you haven't already done so.

Then reload into the Project and try aligning the Model Pattern.

Any luck?

Aligning pattern within the family does work. The question still is - how do you do it in the project? Becuase most times, you need the surrounding context for alignment.

cliff collins
2011-08-04, 03:42 PM
Let's clarify:

1. Did you used the same exact material ( brick ) in both the Family and the Project?

2. If so--let's assume yes--then load the family into the Project, then try to align the pattern. Does it work?

Just checking/troubleshooting. I tried it on a quick example and it works for me.


2011-08-04, 03:57 PM
Let's clarify:

2. If so--let's assume yes--then load the family into the Project, then try to align the pattern. Does it work?


Doesn't work for me. If it does work for you, maybe I am doing something wrong.

One other example - Please see the attached image. The architectural column family is circular. In this case even aligning the pattern within the family doesn't work.

cliff collins
2011-08-04, 04:26 PM
Try experimenting with setting the current Work Plane--and changing it. Then move the pattern lines.
Does this make any difference?

Without actually testing on your file, I'm about out of ideas.


2011-08-04, 05:14 PM
If the same material is being used and they do not line up vertically, there is something wrong with the family or there is a contraint issue.

2011-08-04, 09:15 PM
If the same material is being used and they do not line up vertically, there is something wrong with the family or there is a contraint issue.

Try experimenting with setting the current Work Plane--and changing it. Then move the pattern lines.
Does this make any difference?

Without actually testing on your file, I'm about out of ideas.


Cliff, & renogreen,

I am attaching the column family. Please experiment and see if you can move the surface pattern in any way. If you are able to, maybe you can teach me how to.
The family is RAC 2012 format.

Thanks for your responses thus far. I really apprecaite your input.

2011-10-06, 02:34 PM
I have been having the same problem with a flush louver door which has the same material as the wall it is inserted. It is fine to align the door pattern inside the family editor interface, but it is not suitable for various instances. These need a different alignment for each instance.
Anyone with any idea?

2013-07-30, 05:05 AM
I have this working in a family (casework). i used a reference plane and added an instance parameter dimension to the ref plane from the origin plane of my family. then i used the align tool to lock the material line to the reference plane. then in the model i had 2 choices - either use the align tool on the material line or check the dimension of the offset and input into the parameters

2018-03-15, 04:38 PM
This response is years later, but for anyone who's currently looking for a solution to this problem, here's my solution. In my case, just like the original poster, I was having trouble aligning the pattern of a structural column family to the pattern of the wall. Same material in both cases. To fix, open the column family in the family editor. Check that the extrusion that forms the column is associated with the lower reference level. If not, then associate it to the level. Load back into the project and patterns should align.

2018-03-29, 05:55 PM

This is a material surface pattern on a wall that doesn't align properly. Any thoughts on how to get it to align properly other than a single wall from one floor through the second?

2018-03-30, 05:49 PM
Use a model pattern and not a drafting pattern.
Model patterns you can align, drafting patterns you can't.

2018-12-17, 06:30 PM
It's rude to assume they don't know this already, David. In my case, I am using a model pattern that is driven via a material parameter. The model pattern will not move independently of the family in the host project. Quite perplexing.

Use a model pattern and not a drafting pattern.
Model patterns you can align, drafting patterns you can't.