View Full Version : Door Issues

2011-08-05, 01:01 PM
Hi all,

For some reason Revit (2012 - Architectural) will not allow me to insert more then one opening in some of my walls. I have never had an issue anything like this, I'm finding it very odd. I am trying to insert two sliding balcony doors into a a stacked wall system and it will only allow me to cut one door in. The first door works perfectly but if I try and cut another opening into the same stacked wall system it will not let me. I've tried mirroring the same door, copying it over and inserting another door of a different type. Nothing seems to work. An ideas would be a great help. Thanks in advance.


2011-08-05, 01:27 PM
I've attached a screenshot of the warning that I receive with this issue. You can clearly see in the background that the door is associating itself with a wall but it just will not allow me to cut the door.

2011-08-05, 01:33 PM
How is your exterior skin of your model built. If you have two walls next to each other, one being the true exterior wall, and the other being interior portion of the exterior wall, try joining these two walls together. If this is all one wall, try modifying the walls profile. Select the wall and under modify element click 'Edit Profile'. Trace around the door opening, and call it good. If you have worksets in your project, check to make sure that you're drawing your opening on the proper workset, and not one that is set to hide.

If none of these suggestions help, please post more information about your issue.

Jeff S.

2011-08-05, 01:35 PM
I didn't see your screen shot before my post. Did you try placing this door in plan or 3D? The door is a wall hosted element, right?

Jeff S.

cliff collins
2011-08-05, 03:01 PM
Try copying just the stacked wall off to the side, away from the rest of your model.

Try adding doors to it. Does it work? If so, then there is an issue with the original stacked wall and possibly some constraints in the main model.

If the doors will not cut into the copied stacked wall, then something is wrong with the stacked wall itself. Try "unstacking" it and see if the doors will insert into the individual wall types.

any luck?

2011-08-05, 03:18 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I think the issue was in the door family. I opened the family and found that there were some soft reference lines away from the model. I believe that the soft reference lines were associating the door with the level below so this is why it was saying that it could not insert the door outside of the reference. After eliminating these soft references in family the doors seem to be working fine now. If there are any other issues with this I will post more information. Thanks again for the suggestions.