View Full Version : Titleblock

2003-10-14, 04:03 PM
I have been attempting to put our company logo onto a sheet. I tried to add a small narrow plus sign as a region and am getting the message there is an extremely short line. I found another posting regarding this message and tried the suggestions under that posting without success. Simple lines to make the plus sign would work fine but the plus sign is over a larger black region. The lines needs to be white. I am new to Revit so you will have to excuse me if there is a way to change a line in a titleblock white but I cannot find it. I created the plus sign successfully 50 times the desired size planning to scale it down. Well, apparently that was a dumb idea. I thought I could add a small 'l' at the proper font size and then add a '-' at the appropriate font size because you can have whatever font color you want. Well that's not possible either because there is a halo around the text that prevents the 'l' and '-' from appearing to cross over one another. I cannot find a font with a + that is narrow enough either. I cannot copy a Winding (font) plus sign into Revit successfully. I will now try to create white regions that are large and overlap them with large black ones to make the plus sign. I don't think this will work however because I bet when I bring it back into AutoCAD it will not look right. Additionally, there does not appear to be any character spacing properties. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

2003-10-14, 08:30 PM
The way we do it import a 'raster' image (i.e. jpeg) and place it into the sheet then rescale it as need to. So create your logo with a paint or other similar programs like photoshop or corel and save your file then try importing it.

2003-10-14, 11:27 PM
my experience is exactly that - you will need to paste the jpeg version as revitlution described.

As for the text fonts - I could not see any allowances to alter the character spacings or stretch the text, a feature of which I would think would be very simple to add. Hopefully in version 6.0???

2003-10-15, 12:12 AM
Hi Al,

Is your font "halo'ing" because the default property is set to "opaque"
rather than "transparent"?

Also, is your original logo file raster or vector?
I got my vector logo into my first titleblock with
some hacking, so it is possible, but frustrating.

2003-10-15, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the information. We have the logo as a vector graphic in AutoCAD. I'll try inserting a raster image -- the quality should remain ok.