View Full Version : View Titles / Text / Dimens

The Monk
2011-08-12, 06:12 PM
Here are my pain points:

Currenty the following are not there or a pain to do:

View Titles: it great that custom title tags can be created. What is not great is controlling placement on drawing sheets. Template creation is a wasted exercie when staff is having to relocate the title tag for every view. There should be a template where we can create views where the title can be controlled for placement and type. This would be very help for typical view type such as Detail or Callout views.

Text - why has there not been any better development with this tool? We should be able to snap to a text line. Align a text line with the Alignment tool. And have a REAL text editor. It is embarassing to explain this limitation to students and prospective Revit clients.

Dimension tool: the dimen tool needs to be updated to see Revit linked files. It will not see the center of an arc!. I have to have staff draw and arc over the linked file to dimension the center of the arc - REALLY!!!!

I have more, but these are my big ones at the moment.

2011-08-12, 09:03 PM
Some tips for your woes:

Use grid guides in the sheets to layout views and titles, or put guides in your titleblock which can be turned on/off

Text editor, definitely Revit's weakest link, I link in text from cad for complex layouts.

Don't annotate things in linked files. Do your CD's from each building file.

The Monk
2011-08-12, 10:14 PM

Thanks. What I am addressing is not sheet layout using the grid layout - I have created one that can be toggled on and off as needed - what I am addressing is a systems issue. Revit Viewports are systems controlled. When placing a view on a sheet the placement of the View Title object is somewhat arbritary. The program is making that determination based on crop region size for some view types and who know what for other types - Detail views do not have crop control! So this part of the process is labor intensive when placding views and adjusting the View Title each time. What I want is the ability to have a predefined layout where I can control where the View Title gets placed each time. It would streamline the workflow process - SOMETHING NEAR AND DEAR TO COMPANY PROFITS - ARE YOU SOFTWARE ENGINEER TYPES LISTENING??

As to the dimension issue. I can dimension link files straight line segements. It would seem curves ought to have the same option. And doing everything such as annotation in a linked file does not translate into the host very well. Additionally; Sheet views are lost from the linked file. Our workflow allows us to leverage the Sheets List feature in the schedules with some automation using the Linked File option. We would increase labor time working in the linked file and publishing from separate Revit files. Maybe I missunderstood your remark.

Thanks again,