View Full Version : Can't open files hosted on OS X Lion Server

2011-08-15, 03:42 PM
I just upgraded our file server to Lion, and now Revit will not open any files from it. I can access the files just fine in Windows Explorer, and can copy them to my Windows virtual machine. Files that are copied over, open just fine. When I try to open off the server from Revit, I get a "Failed to open document" error. I've checked permissions on the shared folder, and everything seems fine. Is there is anything else I should check?

I'm running OS X Lion 10.7 with Windows 7 running in a virtual machine with Parallels 6. Revit version is 2011. Thanks!

2011-08-16, 06:25 PM
Anyone have any idea? This is driving me crazy! I can open files in other programs like AutoCAD. I can even insert images in Revit that are hosted on the server. I just can't open .rvt files for some reason! HELP!

2011-09-07, 03:29 AM
I'm having a similar problem. Our files were on a PC Server running Windows Server 2003. We upgraded to a dual Mac Mini setup with Lion OS and a Pegasus Thunderbolt drive as the main the main data store....

At first we couldn't get the network shares to even show up. We then setup the Parallels to share the folders and were able to see them in Windows, but then had the same opening problems.

After messing with permissions, we got the files to open as long as we detached from central, saved as a new central file, detached that from central, and removed the old central file and saved the new one in it's place. After that, we were able to work as normal....until today.

Now, we realized that while this solution works for the single user working on a drawing, as soon as someone else on the network tries to work on a Workset, it will not allow the file to save back to Central.

I'm going to try to completely wipe out all permissions and ACL's on the drawings directory and see if that works...otherwise, I'm also looking for a way to have the Windows VM's access the drives using HFS instead...not sure on that one though....other possibility, format the data drives as NTFS using Tuxera and see if Windows can use that more easlily... we'll see.

If you have any luck, please re-post.

2011-12-04, 01:43 AM
did you get a solution? we can't "save as" a new central nor "open a local file". Our central resides on one computer in our office which hosts the network.
thanks for any help/

2013-03-16, 11:19 PM
I just exchanged e-mails with our reseller about this a few weeks ago. They told me that while they aren't able to verify this themselves, they found something online suggesting this was resolved in the latest update of OS X Lion Server. Has anyone seen first hand evidence that Revit central files will work on a Lion server?

2013-03-18, 07:26 AM
I run Revit out of a macBook Pro but i would never dare to run my Central files out of an OS X Server.
Revit's process are so attached to Windows that i can't see that going well.
Im assuming your using IPV4 right? Any luck with 6?
Do you map all the drive in the same way on all machines?

2013-03-18, 11:17 PM
you may need to run some sort of disk format translator


i use paragon, which seems to work pretty well. Were you previously able to read and write to this drive before the upgrade?