View Full Version : Project Browser Organization

2011-08-18, 11:08 PM
I am working on a custom project browser organization, and it's mostly working well, but I've hit a snag. What I have done is this:
Created a project parameter (instance / text / identity data category) named View Category.
Created a view template for each type of view (this was the only way I could see to have a preset list available so users wouldn't type in values).
I can now either set a view current, or select one view in the project browser, and select a value for View Category in the properties palette.
If I try to select multiple views and enter a value, it applies it to my current view (or, if I am currently in a sheet, nothing happens).

The way I can get around this is to temporarily duplicate all my view templates and set View Category to be the only item the template includes. I'd rather not have to do this for around 30 view templates total. Is there any other way to assign a value to the instance parameter of multiple views at once?

2011-08-19, 03:28 PM
Try creating a view list, which includes the parameter.

You can probably manipulate the parameter value faster there...

2011-08-19, 04:37 PM
Thanks to CAD Masters tech support (you guys rock!) I have a solution. File this one as a Revit bug that hopefully gets fixed in the next update or release. The 'problem' is that I'm using a Windows 7 Aero theme. If I switch to a standard Windows theme, I am then able to apply the value to multiple views at once. Not a horrible workaround once you know what to do, but I would have never thought of that...

2012-01-06, 10:13 PM
Thanks to CAD Masters tech support (you guys rock!) I have a solution. File this one as a Revit bug that hopefully gets fixed in the next update or release. The 'problem' is that I'm using a Windows 7 Aero theme. If I switch to a standard Windows theme, I am then able to apply the value to multiple views at once. Not a horrible workaround once you know what to do, but I would have never thought of that...

Wow. Seriously - wow. This had been driving me nuts, and I can't believe that THIS is the solution. CRIPES.