View Full Version : Revit QC

2011-08-22, 04:27 PM
Does anyone have to perform a QC on revit models before they are sent out for submittals? I have to create a QC checklist for my office and I can think of some things that would need to be QC'd but just curious if anyone out there has an example.

2011-08-23, 02:39 PM
When I submit my model to the project owner (and they do have Revit) they ask for an interference check and comments for each interference.

Another thought, since QC is usually done on printed sets, is to export all your sheets to DWF and review it in Design Review. You can link the DWF's back into Revit and see what needs to be fixed from that.

2011-08-23, 04:39 PM
I guess it depends on what you're clients / bosses are asking for.
I know here when we send a model to anyone we make them sign a statement that basically says "If you use this model for anything, it's at you're own risk as we are not responsible for any content contained within the model."
ie You can use it, but if it's not 100% correct don't blame me.
I know that may not make sense to many people, but this goes back to the structural shop drawing process. We never used to even let them have a model. The point (From what I was told) is the shop drawing process is there for a reason. To catch any errors or omissions. If I let you blindly take my model to produce shops, there were no checks and balance.
I'd have to respond to about 1000 of those interference checks by saying, yes, there's going to be a hole in the slab, but I'm not the one located it.
Or are you trying to check for consistency of families / standards? There's a lot of different ways to look at the question of QC in a revit model.

2011-08-23, 09:40 PM
I guess some basic internal QC, like standards were followed. Things are modeled right, names make sense .... Things to that extent.