View Full Version : Library rendering

2011-08-23, 01:45 PM
exploring the curtain wall tool in revit, which i used to create the louvers.

2011-08-24, 01:07 PM
Pretty cool! Is that "right out of the box" for the curtain wall? It looks as if there might be some tweaking to get the desired effect or completed wall.

2011-08-25, 11:00 AM
Thanks, no its not straight out of the box. i configured it. the curtain wall tool is very flexible. I swapped the original glass for empty panels and adjusted the mullion spacing then cut the pattern in profile sketch mode.

2011-08-25, 01:19 PM
Nifty tool for sure. If they keep making these tools that make our jobs too easy, I'll need to start looking for a new career... ;)