View Full Version : Highlighted object 'un-selected' when switching view

2011-08-24, 01:28 PM
Hey there,
After 8 years of using Revit.......here's a newbie question.

Ever since RAC 2011.....after switching from XP64 to 7.......

I select an object, switch views, the object is no longer highlighted (selected). Used to be that way when using XP64. Very strange.

Any ideas....
Same in RAC 2012 by the way.

Thanks in advance!

2011-08-24, 01:41 PM
How are you switching views? When I Ctrl-TAB, I have the same behavior you're describing. However, when I open a different view from the Project Browser, the object is still selected.

2011-08-24, 01:41 PM
I found that it's a windows 7 thing. I'm running 7 on my machine and have the same issue, the tech next to me is running vista and the object stays selected when switching views. You can however use CTRL + TAB function with 7 and the object will remain selected, provided that the view you want to switch to is already open.

2011-08-24, 07:18 PM
All you need to do, if not cycling through views with ctrl+tab, is right click, select previous.

2011-08-24, 10:19 PM
Thank you all.
I know that I can select previous.....pita.
I also keep windows closed mostly for speed.

Thank you!