2011-08-25, 05:47 PM
I'm trying to model a stair with built in seating. I set it up initially as an in place family, and im pretty satisfied with the 3d appearance. Unfortunately, because it is just a generic model, the family requires a lot of touch up work on our plans to read correctly. I'm trying to streamline the drawing management as our office approaches CDs, so I want to recreate the model as a Revit Stair. I'm having trouble with revit making assumptions for me. What is the best way to model this? Should it be a single stair, or two stairs? I've been having trouble with the appearance when I try to align the two models. Is it worth the hassle for me to try to fake my intention into revits stair tool. I suppose i could also nest a cut (in plan) detail component into the family. Will I be able to achieve a clean model, like my first family. how would you revit experts proceed?
attached you'll see two attempts the left image is the Revit Stair, the right image is my in place family
attached you'll see two attempts the left image is the Revit Stair, the right image is my in place family