View Full Version : Rendering materials dissapear

2011-09-01, 12:55 PM
I just recently am having trouble with my renderings in Revit 2011. When I change anything in my rendering box (bump, texture, etc...) that element dissapears. below is what I found online and it did not help. I have not tried the last one because of the warning that it is a shared material library and did not recomment if you have multiple autodesk software installed. ( I have like 6). Thanks in advanced for the help.

P.S. I went through my autodesk rep first and let them remote in to see it, and they gave me the wow havent seen that before speech lol) :roll:

also if I log into my machine as another user it works fine

Troubleshooting Elements that disappear when Rendering (http://revitclinic.typepad.com/my_weblog/2011/02/troubleshooting-elements-that-disappear-when-rendering.html)

I have worked with a few reports of this behavior reported by David Light (http://autodesk-revit.blogspot.com/2010/11/my-render-has-disappeared.html) and on the Autodesk Discussion Groups (http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Autodesk-Revit-Architecture/Rendering-Issue/m-p/2921384). I wanted to also include the troubleshooting process which has resolved many of these occurrences below:
Each step should be tested individually as the root cause may vary from workstation to workstation and all steps should not be required. Test rendering the same view after each step:
1. Windows Temp Folder
Close Revit 2011; then empty the contents of the Windows Temp folder at:
2. Hotfix – Black Preview Swatch (Jason Jordons old PC)
Apply the swatch hotfix below, which contains an updated material file:
Hotfix – Black Preview Swatch (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=15882941&linkID=9273944)
3. Uninstall \ Reinstall the Revit 2011 Shared Material Library
The following technical solution outlines both uninstall and reinstall steps:
Uninstalling the Autodesk Material Library 2011 (http://usa.autodesk.com/getdoc/id=TS14977439)
Uninstalling the Autodesk Material Library 2011

2011-09-02, 12:29 PM
WOW this is the first question that didnt even get a WTF lol. I am getting the same answer from my autodesk rep (pure silence)

OK to give you a heads up on my progress (lucky I have other Revit machines in the office to finish my renderings)

1. went into my Revit.ini file and replaced it wioth the older one to make sure it wasnt that.
2. ran Revit with administrator rights.
3. went into the windows registry and blew away my revit user. and let Revit rebuild it and that didnt work either.

I am lost :?:?:

2011-09-04, 03:12 AM
I don't know how you created the Clay tile roof. That roof doesn't look like any OOTB Roofing material from Revit 2012. Instead of asking your Autodesk rep., perhaps opening a support ticket with subscription would get you better answers.

2011-10-17, 01:51 PM
Ok to give everyone an update on my rendering issue. Today I am finally able to render correctly. The issue was with my user name screwing up in windows 7 not Revit (So revit could not access the c drive materials when edited so it just left them gone!!) nice huh :roll:. I had to delete my user name and rebuild it to correct my problem.

P.S. the autodesk subscripton was no help as well they had me running revit in administrator mode which did not work. they also wanted me to rebuild my shared autodesk material files as well (was not going to risk that because the other programs worked fine that access it 3d studio, maya, autocad etc....

So if anyone else has this problem just drop me an email and I will walk you through the weeds. cheers all:beer: