View Full Version : 2012 Interesting selection highlight behavior, intentional?

2011-09-02, 06:53 PM
I just noticed something interesting about the behavior of elements highlighting when you roll your mouse over them.

Say you have something partially obscured by another element, in my case a set of stairs up to a platform, but part of the stairs was under the platform and needed to be moved. If I roll the mouse over the stairs, I can see the full outline of the stairs turn purple, but when I select the stairs I can only see the portion not covered by the platform, and the corner I need to pick is under the platform.

Well, I noticed if I pick the object, then roll my mouse back over it again while it's selected, and then activate the Move command via keyboard shortcut, the purple highlight lines stay visible! You can zoom in/out, pan around, and the object still stays highlighted until I actually click a corner to start the move command!

I'm not sure if this is intentional but I can see it being helpful when things like floors of different levels are obscuring one another and I need to pick a corner to move something that is obscured, without having to go to the trouble of switching to wireframe or making elements transparent or something.