View Full Version : Is this the right forum ...

2011-09-04, 06:29 PM
.... to post an enquiry reagarding Building Design Suite installation?

Also is there a link to a page that picks up all the threads I have posted to? Like a My Threads page?

Brian Myers
2011-09-06, 12:34 PM
Also is there a link to a page that picks up all the threads I have posted to? Like a My Threads page?

If you click your name (to the left) on any of your posts you will see a drop down menu. From those selections you will see one that lists all your posts. It's also how I found your first post in the other thread.

This forum will likely be OK for your question, what's the problem you are having?

2011-09-06, 12:41 PM
If you click your name (to the left) on any of your posts you will see a drop down menu. From those selections you will see one that lists all your posts. It's also how I found your first post in the other thread.

This forum will likely be OK for your question, what's the problem you are having?

Than for the posts link.

Not having a problem with the install, as I haven't tried yet! We have just bought two licences of Building Design Suite. I've been told that I need to use deployment image as a way of installing these, but to be honest I can't see the logic for this. We are only installing two at this stage, noy 50!

We also want to copy some of the library files over to our server to form a server 'workspace' where al our libraries, parts, componants are stored. What bits of the main install do I copy over and how do I get Revit to look at this lovation?


2011-09-06, 02:20 PM
Yeah, you can install it directly from the setup program just fine....I did...We only had a couple of Premium licenses....

You have the ability to setup all your custom path locations too before install. Since I was in a hurry I just ignored it all and just installed it...figured I could update locations manually when I start each program.