View Full Version : Arched cellular beam problem

2011-09-06, 10:10 AM
I have been given a project to design a pair of arched circular beams (similar to the ones in the attachment) for an external seating area but I am finding it really difficult to even know where to start.

I feel that it is one area where Revit struggle’s with designing because I haven’t found a way how to correctly draw an arch in elevation and create a mass on that plane.

So does anybody know how I would go about creating an arched beam ?

Can It be created with the in-place mass tool within a project or is it a case for the conceptual mass tool ?

And what are the steps I need to take to complete my task

Thanks for your time

2011-09-06, 02:19 PM
Going by the picture, I assume that the arch is only set at one angle rather than having a bend inside near the top?

The way I would go about doing that is in the family editor. You can set a work plane at the angle of the beam, set your view to it, and draw a model line with the radii of the arc (if it is elliptical).

Then, use a sweep command, choose Pick Path, and choose your 3D path model line. Then draw the profile of the beam. I've modeled a bit of furniture and sun shade structures that required something like that.