View Full Version : 2012 Area Tag Not Placing

2011-09-06, 03:10 PM
I have created an area plan by drawing area boundary lines enclosing the exterior walls. When I click on the area tag and hover inside the previously created boundary, the temporary area tag label does not appear as though the program does not recognize this area. I saved, closed, and reopened the project and this time the area tag recognized the area and I placed it successfully. I have now placed additional boundary lines for other auxiliary buildings on the site in the same view, but once again the area tag doesn't seem to recognize these areas. Saving, closing, and reopening the project is not fixing the problem. Has anyone else experienced this squirrely behavior with areas?

2011-09-06, 04:02 PM
Are you placing the area before the area tag? From your post it sounds as though you are going to the area tag command after placing the boundry, instead of the area command.

2011-09-06, 05:03 PM
Are you placing the area before the area tag? From your post it sounds as though you are going to the area tag command after placing the boundry, instead of the area command.

Thank you.